I have an 02 nissan maxima with 126000 miles on it. I just changed the spark plugs on it the other day and started it up and it sputter for a little bit and then everything started running normally. I drove it to my cousins house which is about 30 minutes away and the car was driving with great performance. I get to my cousins and let it sit for about 20 minutes and then get ready to leave and it will not turn over. It tries to start for about 8 seconds and then finally turns over. I rev it up and notice that my RPM gauge is not working. I turn it off and turned it on again and hold the key to the start position for another 8-10 seconds and it turns over but there is no throttle response and it turns off.
I took everything off and checked the spark plugs to make sure they were secure and i also checked the spark plug wires. I have never had problems with the car. I also used the same exact spark plugs that were in the car before.
02 maxima Changed spark plugs and car will not start?
Nothing related to spark plugs will prevent the engine from turning over. I would look very closely at any connectors you might have had to undo to replace the plugs, make sure they're fully connected and tight. Methinks you have a loose connection or possibly a damaged wire somewhere.