Thursday, September 15, 2011

1995 Dodge Neon that won't start after changing spark plugs....?

Today I changed the spark plugs on my 95 Neon. When I pulled the first plug, the plug well was full of oil. I cleaned it up and installed the new plug. 2 of the other plugs were the same way. I tried to start after changing plugs, it just wont't run. I have new plug wires on it, and am getting good spark from the Dist. Mod. I have pulled the plugs back out several times and cleaned them off. They had unburned fuel on them and a little oil. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!
1995 Dodge Neon that won't start after changing spark plugs....?
the seals at teh top of the spark tubes on the valve cover are leaking. the oil leaks down from the top all over the plug wires. when you removed the plugs all the oil fell down into the combustion chambers and is fouling the plugs. you should replace the valve cover gasket and spark tube selas so you don't ruin your new wires. clean teh plugs off again, and retry to start it. if it won't go you can give it some throttle. you may have to go wide open to put it into clear flood mode, and let off when it starts.

it shouldn't take all that much to get it started, but it depends on how much you cranked on it before. the more you cranked on it the more flooded it got. if it still won't start, you might pull the plugs back out and let it dry out over night.
1995 Dodge Neon that won't start after changing spark plugs....?
are the wires tight on the spark plugs and do you have spark under compression?
Oil on your plugs like that is not a good sign for your engine but I dont think thats your problem. Did you change the plugs one at a time? It sounds to me like you may have crossed some plug wires. If so you will need to find the order that they go in (it will most likely not go 1,2,3,4). After getting the wires in correct firing order you should be good to go. Also, did you gap the plugs? That should not make it not start unless they are way off but you should be sure they are at the right gap.