Primary reason is it has 80k miles and I think it needs changing. Second is spark plugs are very cheap. Only $2 per spark plug. I was wondering if I should be change spark plug wires as well since I would have to remove them to get to spark plugs. Or just change spark plugs and keep old wires. Bad part is wires themselves are kind of expensive, about $40 I think.
Should I change spark plug wires since I am replacing spark plugs?
Yes! The wires can be slightly bad %26amp; only misfire sometimes but still cost you more than $40 in gas over a years time.
Should I change spark plug wires since I am replacing spark plugs?
If the wires show not signs of wear, it is probably safe to keep the old wires. That said, for $40 to $50, I would replace the wires along with the plugs. As another answer suggested, it is important to ensure the wires are not crossed during replacement. The easiest way to prevent that is to only remove one wire at a time, and replace it before removing any more wires.
Since the car is at 80k i would change the wires as well. Only remove one wire at a time and put the new wire on, then take off the next wire. If you remove them all you could have trouble remembering which one goes where.
my shop would recommend wires but personally if your not having any problems they should last at least 100-120k.unless they have already been replaced by cheap wires then i would spring for the new QUALITY wires.(delco,motorcraft,etc)