I recently changed the spark plugs and spark wires on my 94 4runner 3L v6. When I started the car it ran sluggish. Whenever I would accelerate, the car would make this sputtering sound. I thought it was the plugs and wired so I bought new ones. I put the new ones in and it still has the problem. Im not sure what the problem is but it didnt do it before I replaced the spark plugs, wires, and distributor cap. Does anyone have an idea on what it could be?
I changed my spark plugs and wires and now the car sputters and runs sluggish.94 4runner?
You could have gotten some moisture in the distributor cap or you have an incorrect plug gap. Additionally, verify your wires are in the correct firing order. You may have a timing issue so check timing.
I changed my spark plugs and wires and now the car sputters and runs sluggish.94 4runner?
Most likely a spark plug gap issue. Did you check the gap before installing? Sometimes they're on the money right out of the box, but not always. Each plug fits many different models, so the gap can be different.