Thursday, September 15, 2011

My motorbike dies after changing new spark plugs?

i recently chnged the spark plugs on my suzuki rf400 and now the bike acts like a ten ton truck, no power whatsoever. it also dies when the throttle is closed. somene suggested split pipe of timimg problm. can anyone elaborate .
My motorbike dies after changing new spark plugs?
check your gaps for your plugs. Go get a gap tool available at any auto parts store and set them to the manufacturers specs. (usually .60) Make sure you have the right plugs too. Look in your owners manual for recommended plug part numbers. Some plugs burn hot and some %26quot;cold%26quot;, this can effect you engine as well. Not just any old plug will do. Good luck.
My motorbike dies after changing new spark plugs?
If all you did is change the plugs there is a limit to what could have gone wrong. Assuming you bought the correct spec plugs and that they are correctly gapped you are left with the order of the HT leads (did you number them before removing them?) or the quality of the HT leads and caps.
When changing the spark plugs, one or more high tension leads (spark plug wires) could have been pulled out of the spark plug caps, making a poor connection.

OR the plug caps aren't pressed onto the spark plugs enough.

Check the temperature of each exhaust pipe to make sure each cylinder is running.