Thursday, September 15, 2011

I changed the spark plugs and now i hear a hissing noise?

I changed my mustang 07 spark plugs yesterday and started to hear a hissing sound. My sensors do not say anything and usually if something is wrong i am alarmed saying to check engine or something. I tried changing spark plugs well with the other 5 left and it still does it. I havent changes the spark plugs before since i got it in 2007 could it be that because its a new spark plug there is a noise?
I changed the spark plugs and now i hear a hissing noise?
sounds like the spark plugs did you tighten up correctly taper seat 1/8 turn after taper touches seat or if gasket type 1/4 turn after gasket touches seat if you did is it a constant hiss or hissing as piston comes up just because the spark plugs are new don't mean there any good i have had center come out of new plugs