Thursday, September 15, 2011

Changing spark plugs?

do i need to wait for certain problems to occur in my vehicle before changing the spark plugs or is there a recommended KM/miles to change the spark plugs. and wut are the benefits in changing the sparkplugs? t.Y all!
Changing spark plugs?
This kind of falls under that old saying %26quot;if it ain't broke, don't fix it%26quot;.

With todays vehicles we have fuel injection and computerized ignitions, and that most likely contributes to the longevity of the spark plugs.

The company I worked for had vans that went over 100,000 miles without replacing plugs, and they started and ran perfectly in extreme temperatures.

But every vehicle is different, and your may require new plugs right away. When it starts running poorly, then is the time to start looking for remedies.

Obvious benefits are it will start better and get better fuel economy.
Changing spark plugs?
depends on the car and year, just drive it until it starts running bad and then take it in :)
All vehicles have a recommended service schedule which includes changing spark plugs at around 60,000 miles.

Plugs should be changed even if there are no noticeable problems. Decline in engine performance is slow, and we tend to adapt to it. You should notice a difference in your vehicle after changing the plugs. It is also a good idea to change the ignition wires while you're at it.
your book will tell when the intervals are.when you change plugs,then you have better conbustion.
There is a recommended change interval probably in your owners manual. Over time spark plugs deteriorate from producing the spark When this happens it changes the spark plug gap causing irregular spark and missing. You don't have to wait to change them. When you do change them. Wait for the engine to be cold. Don't change them when the engine is hot or warm because it could cause you to cross thread it by putting a cold spark plug in an heated up expanded hole. Check on the sticker under your hood. It should specify the proper spark plug gap that you need to gap the new plugs to.

If the plugs come with a little crush gasket thread it into the hole by hand a tight as you can with no tools or a socket not attached to a ratchet, Then go 3/4 of a turn tighter with a ratchet attached.

If it doesn't have a crush gasket then tighten it as tight as you can like before with no tools and turn it 1/8th of a turn more with a ratchet. this will keep you from over tightening them,
It depends on the model and type of plugs used. Even if they are titanium or platinum plugs, I would have them checked every 50,000km/ 30,000 miles. It keeps the threading and wells of the spark plugs from carbon build up. When it is time to change the plugs it makes it easier to replace them.
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