Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tips for changing rear spark plugs in 2007 Impala 3.5L V6?

Its time to change spark plugs in my 2007 Chev Impala, anyone can offer advice on changing the REAR spark plugs?

Thanks, Rick
Tips for changing rear spark plugs in 2007 Impala 3.5L V6?
You put that many miles on it already? Service interval for plugs on that car is 100,000 miles. Do you ever stop, or are you changing them early?

The service manual only advises removing the air cleaner outlet duct and the intake manifold cover (the %26quot;beauty%26quot; cover over the engine). Nothing in it about rolling the engine like the old W car.
Tips for changing rear spark plugs in 2007 Impala 3.5L V6?
On many cars it is helpful to use a REAL spark plug socket, one that has a hex head on the end that the ratchet or extension goes in. You may be able to get the socket on the plug and use a wrench on it to break it loose. I've done this on my '00 Blazer and my Wife's '01 blazer. Hope this helps.
much easyer done on lift very hard from top side