Friday, June 3, 2011
If im changing spark plugs in my honda civic 95 should i change wire also?
It is preffered, but not neccessary.|||Won%26#039;t hurt, wires are cheap so you might as well|||I would change the wires if there is over 50000 miles on them.|||You should.If the plugs are old enough to changed so are the wires.But,you usually can get by without doing it.|||Depends on the mileage of the car.|||if you got the money for them, you might as well, they could cost you like 30-40 bucks
Changing spark plugs on an 02 eclipse V6?
I have a 2002 mits eclipse V6, how do i get at the back 3 plugs on my V6, do i have to pull the intake or is there a way to reach them with dismantling part of the motor?|||In order to get to the rear 3 plugs you must remove the Intake manifold to get access to the valve cover/plugs.|||not you dont have to take anything apart, its just wonderful engineering. the right tools make it way way easier. extensions and lots of cursing usually works.|||damn japenese cars. if you didnt know this before, the engineers designe the car motor first then put the body around it. really suck when your trying to work on it with absolutely zero room... jsut eep trying you will get it eventually
The dealership wants to charge me $554 for changing spark plugs, fuel filters, and cleaning injectors?
Does this sound like a reasonable cost for a 2002 Hyundai Accent?|||Your joking right?
Are they cleaning the injectors or completely replacing them?
Parts from a dealership is a little more expensive, and they charge for their expertise, but I still wouldn%26#039;t expect the total cost to run more than $250 from a dealership.|||I don%26#039;t have personal experience with Hyundai, but it sounds outrageous. You can look online at websites like Advance Auto Parts:
and find the parts that you need, and get the part price. Spark plugs are only a couple dollars a piece, and if Fram or other companies are making the fuel filters, they should be more reasonable than what the dealer charges. If you have a local mechanic who you know is honest you should get a quote from him. If you don%26#039;t know one, you can go to:
and they have a place where you can put in your zip code and find a local mechanic. I think that you should end up with a bill half of what the dealer is charging....|||dealerships are always the highest places. Check with local mechanic shops.|||cant you replace the car for that much|||no. it sounds very high. I paid approx $175 for a package like that at Midas earlier this year. A dealer is not the best place for routine work-they%26#039;e too expensive.|||No. It is not reasonable.
Dealerships tend to be more expensive than garages/mechanics, but this is way above what it should be for the three things mentioned.
You could look into changing the plugs by yourself. A flexible-head wrench and socket are inexpensive and will stay available for future use.
Cleaning the injectors actually CAN be done by adding liquid injector cleaners to the fuel. You pour a bottle of it in the tank when filling it. If you have problems with the system, but the engine still runs fairly well, use two bottles of injector cleaner.
Run the car until the fuel is almost gone before re-filling.
Usually, this simple and inexpensive technique will work.
My cars do get checked by dealers for other services, including emission/exhaust output, and they have always received top rating.
I began using fuel injector cleaners more than fifteen years ago, and have yet to have a problem with them or with the results they deliver.|||whatzz no way man that way to much for mainance
go to a local auto chop most of them are as good or better than dealer .
sparkplugs $60
fuel filters about $100
cleannig injectors about $60 good luck
all this is including labor don,t pay more than $200 for this services|||I have worked at several Dealerships over the past ten years, Anytime that you take your vehicle to the dealer for repairs that are not under warranty you will usually pay about twice the price to have the same work performed by an independent shop or a shop like midas. The dealer uses something called flag hours, that means if THEIR book shows that job takes 3 hours that is what they will charge you, regardless of the actual time it will take. I Hope this info helps you..|||I used to drive a 2001 Accent for a courier company and I changed the spark plugs myself. EXTREMELY easy, because they were right up front and easy to reach!! If you can%26#039;t do it, then get a friend to do it. Give him $5!!
To clean injectors, go to Walmart Auto dept, buy a $5 bottle of gas cleaner in a metal bottle. Use it for one gas tank, and injectors should be cleaned. To make sure add another bottle about 2 fill-ups LATER. (When you refill after the first gas tank of additive, there%26#039;s always still some left in tank to help clean thru 2nd tank of gas.)
The fuel filter might be harder. Might need a mechanic for that. Check around with friends and family for a good local mechanic who might change your fuel filter for much cheaper than $500 from dealer!!! Might only cost $60 for fuel filter by mechanic. So you%26#039;ve now saved over $400!!!
If you enjoy saving that $400, you can send me 10% at.........|||At that price they should be including the Timing Belt as well, or did you forget that bit? If that does include the T-Belt then the price is just fine.|||Absolutely not! You can change the plugs and fuel filter yourself. Add a can of 3M fuel injector / combustion chamber cleaner in your fuel tank and save $500.00. Foreign car companies have a habit of gouging the tar out of people because their basic parts are 33-50% more expensive than the American Chrysler, Ford or GM. What you may save in gas mileage you pay dearly on the other end.|||yikes...!!
run away, run away...
find a non-dealer mechanic or check out craigslist in your area...look under the Service section for Automotive, you may find some shadetree mechanic to do the work for cheap...|||unfortunately its about right at the dealership...... ask around find a good local mechanic.... try Napa auto centers they will be less expensive.... too
Are they cleaning the injectors or completely replacing them?
Parts from a dealership is a little more expensive, and they charge for their expertise, but I still wouldn%26#039;t expect the total cost to run more than $250 from a dealership.|||I don%26#039;t have personal experience with Hyundai, but it sounds outrageous. You can look online at websites like Advance Auto Parts:
and find the parts that you need, and get the part price. Spark plugs are only a couple dollars a piece, and if Fram or other companies are making the fuel filters, they should be more reasonable than what the dealer charges. If you have a local mechanic who you know is honest you should get a quote from him. If you don%26#039;t know one, you can go to:
and they have a place where you can put in your zip code and find a local mechanic. I think that you should end up with a bill half of what the dealer is charging....|||dealerships are always the highest places. Check with local mechanic shops.|||cant you replace the car for that much|||no. it sounds very high. I paid approx $175 for a package like that at Midas earlier this year. A dealer is not the best place for routine work-they%26#039;e too expensive.|||No. It is not reasonable.
Dealerships tend to be more expensive than garages/mechanics, but this is way above what it should be for the three things mentioned.
You could look into changing the plugs by yourself. A flexible-head wrench and socket are inexpensive and will stay available for future use.
Cleaning the injectors actually CAN be done by adding liquid injector cleaners to the fuel. You pour a bottle of it in the tank when filling it. If you have problems with the system, but the engine still runs fairly well, use two bottles of injector cleaner.
Run the car until the fuel is almost gone before re-filling.
Usually, this simple and inexpensive technique will work.
My cars do get checked by dealers for other services, including emission/exhaust output, and they have always received top rating.
I began using fuel injector cleaners more than fifteen years ago, and have yet to have a problem with them or with the results they deliver.|||whatzz no way man that way to much for mainance
go to a local auto chop most of them are as good or better than dealer .
sparkplugs $60
fuel filters about $100
cleannig injectors about $60 good luck
all this is including labor don,t pay more than $200 for this services|||I have worked at several Dealerships over the past ten years, Anytime that you take your vehicle to the dealer for repairs that are not under warranty you will usually pay about twice the price to have the same work performed by an independent shop or a shop like midas. The dealer uses something called flag hours, that means if THEIR book shows that job takes 3 hours that is what they will charge you, regardless of the actual time it will take. I Hope this info helps you..|||I used to drive a 2001 Accent for a courier company and I changed the spark plugs myself. EXTREMELY easy, because they were right up front and easy to reach!! If you can%26#039;t do it, then get a friend to do it. Give him $5!!
To clean injectors, go to Walmart Auto dept, buy a $5 bottle of gas cleaner in a metal bottle. Use it for one gas tank, and injectors should be cleaned. To make sure add another bottle about 2 fill-ups LATER. (When you refill after the first gas tank of additive, there%26#039;s always still some left in tank to help clean thru 2nd tank of gas.)
The fuel filter might be harder. Might need a mechanic for that. Check around with friends and family for a good local mechanic who might change your fuel filter for much cheaper than $500 from dealer!!! Might only cost $60 for fuel filter by mechanic. So you%26#039;ve now saved over $400!!!
If you enjoy saving that $400, you can send me 10% at.........|||At that price they should be including the Timing Belt as well, or did you forget that bit? If that does include the T-Belt then the price is just fine.|||Absolutely not! You can change the plugs and fuel filter yourself. Add a can of 3M fuel injector / combustion chamber cleaner in your fuel tank and save $500.00. Foreign car companies have a habit of gouging the tar out of people because their basic parts are 33-50% more expensive than the American Chrysler, Ford or GM. What you may save in gas mileage you pay dearly on the other end.|||yikes...!!
run away, run away...
find a non-dealer mechanic or check out craigslist in your area...look under the Service section for Automotive, you may find some shadetree mechanic to do the work for cheap...|||unfortunately its about right at the dealership...... ask around find a good local mechanic.... try Napa auto centers they will be less expensive.... too
What is the importance of changing the spark plugs on your 2000 Honda Accord at 100k miles?
I%26#039;m at 96k now and need a timing belt and spark plugs. A broken timing belt will ruin your car, so I%26#039;m doing that ASAP but for money%26#039;s sake, how important is having the spark plugs replaced? Can it wait till the scheduled time?|||I would go ahead and do it, you will get more power and gas mileage and your car will run smoother. The manufactures rating on this maintenance is a bit long in my opinion. Also a broken timing belt in most cars will not hurt anything it will just require your car to be towed. I am unaware if you engine is a inference type or not. If not then yo do not have to worry about not changing the belt destroying your engine.|||heehee - it can wait but dont leave it forever, renewing them will help the engine running smoothly|||The sooner you replace your spark plugs, the better. Sometimes, they can be very difficult to remove from the cylinder heads, and the new ones should have antisieze compound on the threads to make them easy to remove. I would stick with the original replacement manufacturer and part number for the new plugs, unless Honda specifies an updated replacement. If you have an %26quot;interference%26quot; type engine in which the pistons can damage the valves when the timing belt breaks or slips, getting the timing belt replaced is your first priority. It%26#039;s a $500 job at a Honda dealer. Check to see if you should replace your water pump and serpentine belt tensioner at the same time to save on future repair costs.
Can i save on gasoline consumption by changing the spark plugs of my car?
I complained about the fuel consumtion of my car and my dealer offered to change the spark plugs of my car for free because it might help improve fuel consumption. They said they will be using a %26quot;special%26quot; spark plug for my car.|||if it is a dealer, let them. you may have the wrong plugs in their to begin with. modern vehicles are EXTREMELY sensitive to the quality of parts you install.
ASE master tech certified|||no tune ups help save on gas some how.|||no its not true, spark plugs just assist starting the car, all the same spark, all the same gas was bullshit, especially with a fuel injected car, there would not be a difference....perhaps if you spark plugs were bad and you were having trouble starting your car, than you may use more gas tryin to get it to turn over a few times...peace|||Other things that will help you save gas:
Don%26#039;t pedal to the metal, it will help with gas consumption.
Don%26#039;t carry too much weight in your car, unload what you don%26#039;t need.
Keep the air pressure in your tires to what it needs, low tires equal poor gas consumption.
Keep tabs on your oil changes.|||Only if they%26#039;re not all sparking efficiently.|||Believe it or not the dealer knows best. Having the right plugs counts alot. One thing you must remember, in today%26#039;s car market its hard to make a gross when selling a car (as a Dealer) so car makers have invested heavily in making sure that you use them for your repairs. That%26#039;s why you now see special spark plug for your car. (that%26#039;s what they want you to believe). Dealers are finely priced competitively. So repairs and general maintenance is costing us loss. And you will get a serve in the mail from the maker asking how service was. This is bonus money for them and a operatiy for you to tell the true about the dealer. Trust me the car maker listens.
ASE master tech certified|||no tune ups help save on gas some how.|||no its not true, spark plugs just assist starting the car, all the same spark, all the same gas was bullshit, especially with a fuel injected car, there would not be a difference....perhaps if you spark plugs were bad and you were having trouble starting your car, than you may use more gas tryin to get it to turn over a few times...peace|||Other things that will help you save gas:
Don%26#039;t pedal to the metal, it will help with gas consumption.
Don%26#039;t carry too much weight in your car, unload what you don%26#039;t need.
Keep the air pressure in your tires to what it needs, low tires equal poor gas consumption.
Keep tabs on your oil changes.|||Only if they%26#039;re not all sparking efficiently.|||Believe it or not the dealer knows best. Having the right plugs counts alot. One thing you must remember, in today%26#039;s car market its hard to make a gross when selling a car (as a Dealer) so car makers have invested heavily in making sure that you use them for your repairs. That%26#039;s why you now see special spark plug for your car. (that%26#039;s what they want you to believe). Dealers are finely priced competitively. So repairs and general maintenance is costing us loss. And you will get a serve in the mail from the maker asking how service was. This is bonus money for them and a operatiy for you to tell the true about the dealer. Trust me the car maker listens.
How do you go about changing the spark plugs in a 2000 Yamaha V-Star 1100 classic?
I am having trouble locating the spark plugs in my motorcycle, if anyone has any info on how to do so or a link to a site with an image walkthrough that would be great.|||The easy answer is that they are at the end of your spark plug wires.
As I recall, the plugs are not easy to access, and require a long socket, a swivel, an extension and ratchet to loosen the plugs, and a magnet to remove remove them.
Try contacting Star Riders Assoc. Those kinds of owners clubs are usually a wealth of info and tips.
As I recall, the plugs are not easy to access, and require a long socket, a swivel, an extension and ratchet to loosen the plugs, and a magnet to remove remove them.
Try contacting Star Riders Assoc. Those kinds of owners clubs are usually a wealth of info and tips.
Changing spark plugs/wires on 1994 buick regal custom, 3.1 engine.?
I am changing the spark plugs and need to rotate the engine to reach the back plugs. How do I do this? Is it a one man job? I do not have a lot of auto repair experience.|||Transverse mounted engine? Apply parking brake and place transmission in %26#039;neutral%26#039; (engine off of course). You will see a %26#039;dog bone%26#039; engine mount in center by radiator. Remove the back bolt (I think). Place a bar in the lift bracket and rock the motor forward enough to place the bolt back in the next hole. This will tip the engine forward enough to reach the back 3 spark plugs. It%26#039;s still a tight fit, but it helps.
Hope this helps.|||you will also need a thin walled socket to fit the plug regular sockets will not fit between shield and plug
|||Just use a small angled pry bar to remove the %26#039;heat shields%26#039; that are around the plug. These help shield the spark plug wire boot from the heat given off by the exh manifold.
Chilton Manuals are worthless. Purchase a Haynes manual.
|||DONT monky around with the engine,it%26#039;s a pain and it will take a while be sure engine is cool and i also sugest the best manual you can buy at your local auto store,it%26#039;s called Haynes and it%26#039;s like $20 after taxes,or take your time and just take a break when you get frustrated,cause trust me you will i did my dads plugs a few months ago same engine and yeah it%26#039;s a *****.|||Gosh, if you got to take the engine out just to do a tune up why don%26#039;t you just take it to Sears for the 19.95 special.|||The 3100 SFI is a very common power platform for GM, it%26#039;s been in many many models and is still being produced today. By no means do you need to %26quot;rotate%26quot; the engine to get to the back plugs. I did get a good chuckle from the comment however ;)
It may seem impossible but I can assure you it%26#039;s not. I%26#039;ve personally changed the plugs on at least 30 of those suckers. Some vehicles are more difficult than others (the 3100 in a Chevy Malibu tops them all).
You%26#039;ll need the right tools for the job of course. A swivel attachment for your ratchet (driver) can be of great assistance when trying to reach plugs on the back side of an engine. Other than that you%26#039;ll have to fight with it a little bit. If I recall climbing into the engine compartment (knees on the intake) makes it a bit easier to get your tools/hands onto the back side of the engine. You can also attach the spark plug socket to the plug first and then attach the ratchet, this is often times easier than trying to attach the ratchet/socket at the same time.
Good luck...and please, don%26#039;t ever try and %26quot;rotate%26quot; an engine ;)
Hope this helps.|||you will also need a thin walled socket to fit the plug regular sockets will not fit between shield and plug
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|||Just use a small angled pry bar to remove the %26#039;heat shields%26#039; that are around the plug. These help shield the spark plug wire boot from the heat given off by the exh manifold.
Chilton Manuals are worthless. Purchase a Haynes manual.
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|||DONT monky around with the engine,it%26#039;s a pain and it will take a while be sure engine is cool and i also sugest the best manual you can buy at your local auto store,it%26#039;s called Haynes and it%26#039;s like $20 after taxes,or take your time and just take a break when you get frustrated,cause trust me you will i did my dads plugs a few months ago same engine and yeah it%26#039;s a *****.|||Gosh, if you got to take the engine out just to do a tune up why don%26#039;t you just take it to Sears for the 19.95 special.|||The 3100 SFI is a very common power platform for GM, it%26#039;s been in many many models and is still being produced today. By no means do you need to %26quot;rotate%26quot; the engine to get to the back plugs. I did get a good chuckle from the comment however ;)
It may seem impossible but I can assure you it%26#039;s not. I%26#039;ve personally changed the plugs on at least 30 of those suckers. Some vehicles are more difficult than others (the 3100 in a Chevy Malibu tops them all).
You%26#039;ll need the right tools for the job of course. A swivel attachment for your ratchet (driver) can be of great assistance when trying to reach plugs on the back side of an engine. Other than that you%26#039;ll have to fight with it a little bit. If I recall climbing into the engine compartment (knees on the intake) makes it a bit easier to get your tools/hands onto the back side of the engine. You can also attach the spark plug socket to the plug first and then attach the ratchet, this is often times easier than trying to attach the ratchet/socket at the same time.
Good luck...and please, don%26#039;t ever try and %26quot;rotate%26quot; an engine ;)
Does anyone have experience in changing the spark plugs on a 2003 ford expedition?
I see that the fuel injection heads are in very close proximity to the spark plugs and was wondering if I can get some advice or a link stating in detail how to go about accomplishing the task. Now I am assuming that the Fuel Injectors get removed. Any advise on the process for replacing the spark plugs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks In Advance. Ben-|||The actual process itself is not very difficult to describe. It is can be a very challenging task for someone who is inexperienced, due to the tight confines of this particular application. You DO NOT need to remove the fuel injectors to start with. The ONLY thing you need to remove are the eight COPs (Coil-On-Plugs) to gain access to the spark plugs. To do this, simply disconnect all eight COPs by disconnecting each electrical connector by simply squeezing and pulling gently on the connector to each COP. Next, get your 1/4%26quot; drive ratchet and short extension with either a 7mm or 9/32%26quot; socket and remove the one bolt that secures each COP to the intake manifold. Remove each COP by simply twisting and pulling it out of each spark plug hole, GENTLY. You may want to inspect each COP rubber boot and replace as necessary. Be careful of the one under the fuel rail connection to the fuel supply line. Once this is achieved, simply remove all eight spark plugs using a suitably sized extension and spark plug socket. The four that are on the passenger side may be a little more difficult to access due to the heater hoses being in the way, especially if this vehicle is equipped with rear heat and A/C. Just be careful. One final note. USE ONLY Ford/Motorcraft spark plugs. Aftermarket plugs seem to be known to cause issues on these vehicles. Hope this helps.|||No problem at all. You%26#039;re Very Welcome.
|||I do not believe the fuel rail has to come off if this is like f 2004 f 250 i did today the coil on plug design requires a 7 mm socket and about 3 hours of frustration. a set of locking extensions and a plug socket with a swivel attached also very reccomendable for the job. good luck oh and i had the luxury of a topside creeper.
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|||I do not believe the fuel rail has to come off if this is like f 2004 f 250 i did today the coil on plug design requires a 7 mm socket and about 3 hours of frustration. a set of locking extensions and a plug socket with a swivel attached also very reccomendable for the job. good luck oh and i had the luxury of a topside creeper.
Changing spark plugs in 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan?
Can anyone tell me how to get to the back spark plugs and other parts toward the back of the engine in a 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan? I know it has something to do with removing the dash, some sort of access panel?|||remove the wiper cowl panel to gain access to rear.
Problem when changing spark plugs?
After changing one of the spark plugs in my %26#039;92 mazda mx-3 I went to put the plug wire on, but it wouldnt go.
What happened was the rubber part from inside of the spark plug socket had come out and is stuck on the plug inside the motor.
I have tried forcing the socket on to the end of the plug to get the rubber piece to stick in the socket, but it won%26#039;t work.
How can I get the rubber piece out of there??|||you should be able to put the socket back on and try turning to different positions untl it goes on. It will take a little force. Then you can screw the plug out. Or you can try long long nose pliers.|||see if you can cut it off, if not, burn it off|||buy a new wire and replace it. motorcycle wires are repairable so go to a motorcycle dealer with the wire from your car and ask them to sell you a single wire or a kit to build one the right length. pretty easy fix.|||You can put the socket back on spark plug and screw the spark plug back out of the engine, remove the socket form the plug and then the rubber bushen, or use a pair of needle nose pliars to pull the rubber off with the spark plug still in the engine.|||rotate the engine to where the piston is high and then get the rubber out with wire.
What happened was the rubber part from inside of the spark plug socket had come out and is stuck on the plug inside the motor.
I have tried forcing the socket on to the end of the plug to get the rubber piece to stick in the socket, but it won%26#039;t work.
How can I get the rubber piece out of there??|||you should be able to put the socket back on and try turning to different positions untl it goes on. It will take a little force. Then you can screw the plug out. Or you can try long long nose pliers.|||see if you can cut it off, if not, burn it off|||buy a new wire and replace it. motorcycle wires are repairable so go to a motorcycle dealer with the wire from your car and ask them to sell you a single wire or a kit to build one the right length. pretty easy fix.|||You can put the socket back on spark plug and screw the spark plug back out of the engine, remove the socket form the plug and then the rubber bushen, or use a pair of needle nose pliars to pull the rubber off with the spark plug still in the engine.|||rotate the engine to where the piston is high and then get the rubber out with wire.
Changing Spark Plugs Question?
Whenever changing spark plugs, i always have a dillema getting the spark plug socket off the spark plug because of the rubber boot inside. Anybody have any tips that could help keep this from happening?|||That rubber boot is good for installing spark plugs in hard to reach/deep areas. (sometimes) I%26#039;ve had sockets stuck on the plug I%26#039;ve just installed, leaving me with just an extension and ratchet.
You can use a regular deep-well socket easier. I get a piece of papertowel (always seems to be near-by), and snug it up against the sparkplug (nut, bolt etc.) and the socket. It pops off easier, and the paper doesn%26#039;t interfere with anything. You can pick it out with a pick if you want.
You can get a socket fairly cheaply at a pawn shop if you don%26#039;t have a complete set of tools.|||You could try a little dielectric grease on them before placing then back on the plugs.|||put a piece of vacuum line on the top end of the plug stick it in the hole, and spin the plug in hand tight by turning the vacuum line. finish tightening with your socket, rubber removed|||rub a little oil onto the boot it whould stop it from sticking|||i have 2 sockets, 1 with the rubber to take them out, 1 with out to install them. if u cant get them in the hole with your hand, use a piece of vacum tubing 12%26quot; long, put the sparkplug in the tube and then put it in the hole and turn clockwise to start your plug. after it has started to thread pull off the tube a go after it with your rubber free socket. gooodluck|||Okay, everybody talks about putting something in the boot, but, one thing I would NOT suggest is oil, cause that can cause that rubber to break down, just like oil on a condom..|||The best soulition i ever found was remove the rubber and cut the hole a little bigger that way its looser and the rubber is still there to serve its purpose.....|||all answers are good.
You can use a regular deep-well socket easier. I get a piece of papertowel (always seems to be near-by), and snug it up against the sparkplug (nut, bolt etc.) and the socket. It pops off easier, and the paper doesn%26#039;t interfere with anything. You can pick it out with a pick if you want.
You can get a socket fairly cheaply at a pawn shop if you don%26#039;t have a complete set of tools.|||You could try a little dielectric grease on them before placing then back on the plugs.|||put a piece of vacuum line on the top end of the plug stick it in the hole, and spin the plug in hand tight by turning the vacuum line. finish tightening with your socket, rubber removed|||rub a little oil onto the boot it whould stop it from sticking|||i have 2 sockets, 1 with the rubber to take them out, 1 with out to install them. if u cant get them in the hole with your hand, use a piece of vacum tubing 12%26quot; long, put the sparkplug in the tube and then put it in the hole and turn clockwise to start your plug. after it has started to thread pull off the tube a go after it with your rubber free socket. gooodluck|||Okay, everybody talks about putting something in the boot, but, one thing I would NOT suggest is oil, cause that can cause that rubber to break down, just like oil on a condom..|||The best soulition i ever found was remove the rubber and cut the hole a little bigger that way its looser and the rubber is still there to serve its purpose.....|||all answers are good.
Changing spark plugs at recommened intervals?
i believe mine were changed at 50,000 miles. but only the plugs were changed.. im currently at 100,000 miles and the car runs like a dream, no problems at all.. will changing the spark plugs and wires be a good idea? and will i notice any difference with power, or mpg??
i already have intake in the car so im tryin to get a cleaner burn|||Make, model and year of car?|||Sticking with the maintenance schedule is never a bad idea. If you are having no problems changing the plugs can help to continue that trend. You may not notice any substainal difference in performance but for the relatively low cost of the service it is a good idea.|||Keep a set of wires and plugs in tour car at all times. You never know when you might need them..A small get you home toolkit helps too.
Dr Antony|||The original plug wires should last for the lifetime of the car. It is foolish to waste money on them, if they are not arcing or severely damaged from oil or heat rot. New plugs can improve things, but only if you are using an %26quot;updated%26quot; technology plug, like an Iridium or iridium + titanium plug. It does more for a car to have your IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVE clean, and your throttle body and plate and PCV hose and valve, too. These are the things that throw the fuel mixture off balance and cause expensive problems, like cat failure or exhaust leaks. Save the money for wires. Also, de-sludge the engine and use ONLY synthetic oil. It saves gas and prolongs engine life as it does NOT make harmful sludge. It cleans as you drive!
i already have intake in the car so im tryin to get a cleaner burn|||Make, model and year of car?|||Sticking with the maintenance schedule is never a bad idea. If you are having no problems changing the plugs can help to continue that trend. You may not notice any substainal difference in performance but for the relatively low cost of the service it is a good idea.|||Keep a set of wires and plugs in tour car at all times. You never know when you might need them..A small get you home toolkit helps too.
Dr Antony|||The original plug wires should last for the lifetime of the car. It is foolish to waste money on them, if they are not arcing or severely damaged from oil or heat rot. New plugs can improve things, but only if you are using an %26quot;updated%26quot; technology plug, like an Iridium or iridium + titanium plug. It does more for a car to have your IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVE clean, and your throttle body and plate and PCV hose and valve, too. These are the things that throw the fuel mixture off balance and cause expensive problems, like cat failure or exhaust leaks. Save the money for wires. Also, de-sludge the engine and use ONLY synthetic oil. It saves gas and prolongs engine life as it does NOT make harmful sludge. It cleans as you drive!
Changing the Spark Plugs on a 1994 Cadillac Eldorado?
Whats the easiest way to change the spark plugs? The back four are hard to see.|||the coil packs will have to be removed and go from there.
be careful cause the threads can be pulled out of the aluminumn cylinder head|||can you get to them from under the car?
be careful cause the threads can be pulled out of the aluminumn cylinder head|||can you get to them from under the car?
Is 350 for labor and i buy my own parts good for changing spark plugs and wires and hoses i called a shop and?
thats what they told me and i wonna change it my self but i never did it before|||Seems high but carefull if you don%26#039;t have a mechanical apptitue and you cross thread the spark plug holes you%26#039;ll end up paying more than 350$
Also unless you are going to do the work your self, a shop rarely if ever stands behind work done when the parts arn%26#039;t provided by the shop, so if you have a problem your on your own.
Just a thought, but the process is rather simple.
Edit - Unless your driving a 3.5 L chrystler, or a 4.6/5.4 L expidition. Some vehicles are quite expnsive to tune up and require the removal of intake manifolds, fuel rails or are in difficult places to reach. What are you driving, and what engine is it?|||Find another shop you are getting ripped
Invest in a Haynes manual it gives you step by step instructions It%26#039;s a easy job Good Luck|||350 is too high for labor only.if want to do it yourself go to your local parts store and pick up a repair manual for your car and do the job yourself and save a lot of bucks.and they can help with the correct parts for your car..|||Depends on the type of car. If you%26#039;ve got a 1993-2002 Camaro with a V8 then that is very reasonable. It takes an expert four-five hours and you can spend all weekend doing it yourself.|||I would say you might want to look elsewhere.As far as doing it yourself, be sure you feel confident that you can do it. If you can read and really understand what the repair manual actually says. As fa as tools are concerned you can pick up a decent little kit pretty much anywhere tools are sold. Good luck.
Also unless you are going to do the work your self, a shop rarely if ever stands behind work done when the parts arn%26#039;t provided by the shop, so if you have a problem your on your own.
Just a thought, but the process is rather simple.
Edit - Unless your driving a 3.5 L chrystler, or a 4.6/5.4 L expidition. Some vehicles are quite expnsive to tune up and require the removal of intake manifolds, fuel rails or are in difficult places to reach. What are you driving, and what engine is it?|||Find another shop you are getting ripped
Invest in a Haynes manual it gives you step by step instructions It%26#039;s a easy job Good Luck|||350 is too high for labor only.if want to do it yourself go to your local parts store and pick up a repair manual for your car and do the job yourself and save a lot of bucks.and they can help with the correct parts for your car..|||Depends on the type of car. If you%26#039;ve got a 1993-2002 Camaro with a V8 then that is very reasonable. It takes an expert four-five hours and you can spend all weekend doing it yourself.|||I would say you might want to look elsewhere.As far as doing it yourself, be sure you feel confident that you can do it. If you can read and really understand what the repair manual actually says. As fa as tools are concerned you can pick up a decent little kit pretty much anywhere tools are sold. Good luck.
Changing spark plugs in a 1997 ford E350, should i change them all? they are hard to get to!?
i just changed 2 bad plugs and i dont want to change any more than i have to seeing as this van is a pain in the a** to work on. would it be okay or should i go and change the other 8 plugs?
Thanks|||Some plugs are harder to reach than others, but change them all. I also advise changing the coil boots as they frequently go bad about the same time as the plugs. Only change one at a time, and make sure to blow all the dirt and rocks out of the hole or they will end up in the cylinder when you remove the plug, and any rocks in the hole will get wedged beside the plug when you try to push the socket on the plug. tighten 7 to 14 ft. lb. and gap is .054 in.
And be happy that it ain%26#039;t a 460.|||if 2 are bad the others are also|||I%26#039;d quit while I was ahead if the van runs ok now. Wait and see if you have a problem, and then have them changed if necessary. The plugs should last at least 100,000 miles normally and probably longer if they%26#039;re platinum tipped long life plugs. However, if you have an ignition misfire, I would change as many spark plug wires as I could. I%26#039;m afraid if you try to get to the hard to change plugs you may damage the plug wires in the process or cross thread a plug for example.|||how did you know that those two were the bad ones? change them all if one is bad they all are going bad Change your distruber cap while you are at it. just do not get the wires out of order|||You never change just the %26quot;bad plugs%26quot;... that%26#039;s like changing one bad tire.
Get the right tools... a %26quot;universal%26quot; adapter will allow you to unscrew the plug at an angle. Does this van have inside access?|||REMOVE THE DOG HOUSE AND THE PLUGS ARE RIGHT THERE,THEY ARE NOT HARD ITS JUST THE REMOVAL OF THE HOUSE THATS DIFFICULT.|||You have a V-10?
Thanks|||Some plugs are harder to reach than others, but change them all. I also advise changing the coil boots as they frequently go bad about the same time as the plugs. Only change one at a time, and make sure to blow all the dirt and rocks out of the hole or they will end up in the cylinder when you remove the plug, and any rocks in the hole will get wedged beside the plug when you try to push the socket on the plug. tighten 7 to 14 ft. lb. and gap is .054 in.
And be happy that it ain%26#039;t a 460.|||if 2 are bad the others are also|||I%26#039;d quit while I was ahead if the van runs ok now. Wait and see if you have a problem, and then have them changed if necessary. The plugs should last at least 100,000 miles normally and probably longer if they%26#039;re platinum tipped long life plugs. However, if you have an ignition misfire, I would change as many spark plug wires as I could. I%26#039;m afraid if you try to get to the hard to change plugs you may damage the plug wires in the process or cross thread a plug for example.|||how did you know that those two were the bad ones? change them all if one is bad they all are going bad Change your distruber cap while you are at it. just do not get the wires out of order|||You never change just the %26quot;bad plugs%26quot;... that%26#039;s like changing one bad tire.
Get the right tools... a %26quot;universal%26quot; adapter will allow you to unscrew the plug at an angle. Does this van have inside access?|||REMOVE THE DOG HOUSE AND THE PLUGS ARE RIGHT THERE,THEY ARE NOT HARD ITS JUST THE REMOVAL OF THE HOUSE THATS DIFFICULT.|||You have a V-10?
What is the degree of difficulty for changing spark plugs for '00 Maxima?
Also, when should it be done mileage wise?|||mileage is 100,000 and you should use the NGK Laser Platinum plugs. The degree of difficulty will depend on your skill, but the front 3 are easy. The rear three plugs usually need to have the intake plenum taken off to get to them unless you have the correct tools to do the job. After taking off the plenum everything is much easier.|||Labor time is 1.4 hours (what you would pay at a shop) - If you have any experience then it really is not difficult. 105,000 is the recommended mileage, however I do not suggest you wait that long try to change at least at 95,000 miles. Use the following spark plug - they are not cheap but the best plugs out there; NGK Spark Plug Iridium IX (BKR 5 EIX 11, part #). Good Luck.
In the process of changing spark plugs and all the wires pulled out at the same time.?
Anyone know what order they would go back in for a 1998 Chevy 4X4?|||1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2
on a V8 engine|||Check the top of the intake manifold to see if the firing order is cast into the manifold.|||purchase haynes or chiltons ser. manual. 10 -15 bucks. any auto parts store..|||the first guy is right 18436572 clockwise|||The first two guys are both right 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 and it is stamped on top of the intake manifold.|||They all got the firing order right but they forgot something, where the numbers belong.
Standing in front of the truck, the odd numbered cylinders are on the right, even on the left. The bank of cylinders that is furthest forward on the engine always has the #1 cylinder at the front, then 3,5 and 7. Of course that leaves the even ones on the opposite side.
on a V8 engine|||Check the top of the intake manifold to see if the firing order is cast into the manifold.|||purchase haynes or chiltons ser. manual. 10 -15 bucks. any auto parts store..|||the first guy is right 18436572 clockwise|||The first two guys are both right 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 and it is stamped on top of the intake manifold.|||They all got the firing order right but they forgot something, where the numbers belong.
Standing in front of the truck, the odd numbered cylinders are on the right, even on the left. The bank of cylinders that is furthest forward on the engine always has the #1 cylinder at the front, then 3,5 and 7. Of course that leaves the even ones on the opposite side.
What is involved in changing spark plugs on a 2004 Dodge Hemi?
Anything I should especially do or not do?|||Disconnect the negative battery cable. You may have to remove a cover over the engine. You will have four ignition coils mounted directly over four of the spark plugs with a wire from each one going to the other four plugs. Just be careful removing the coils and wires so you do not break the connections. The plugs themselves are easy to change.|||you need a sparkplug wrench and new not over tighten.|||DON%26#039;T SCREW UP!!!!
Hahahaha... Ok.. jk.... they%26#039;re just spark pluge. If you%26#039;ve done it before, it%26#039;s the same old routine
Hahahaha... Ok.. jk.... they%26#039;re just spark pluge. If you%26#039;ve done it before, it%26#039;s the same old routine
Changing spark plugs in a Chevy Van?
I have a 1993 G20 Conversion Van and wanted to know the easiest way to change my plugs. I%26#039;ve swapped them out in cars before but never my van. As of right now I%26#039;m still running off the original ones with 96,000 miles. Is the best way to take of the hump (doghouse) from inside the van and access them through there? Any help would be appreciated.
Also, when putting the new ones in should I go for the AC Delco Rapidfire plugs? Will this give me anymore power or better mileage?|||you have to take the dog house off, as you cant get to them from the fender well ( tried it, it don%26#039;t work )
this one is easy and its not hard to get the dog house off one clip on each side of the dog house and two bolts at the bottom just below the storage box on the dog house, after that its one of the easiest ones to change plugs and wires, cap and rotor there is to do.
as for the rapid-fire plugs, i cant say anything bad about ac delco plugs as they are some of the best out there, but there are plugs that are just as good at half the cost, just use a good plug, and as long as you stay away from champion spark plugs you%26#039;ll be OK, as they no longer mark what ones are made here in the USA or the ones made in japan, and the ones from japan are junk...|||i think the easist way is to jack the front end up and go thru the fenderwell|||had many g rides and the best way is from the doghouse with a swivel head ratchet and you may want a 1 inch extension on some. to reinstall use a piece of fuel line pushed onto the top of the plug to get it started. stay with ac delco and you might want to go platinum|||I owned a 1990 Chev C20 van conversion and I found it easier to remove the inside engine cover, that way you have easy access to the plugs, wires and distributor. Also you can listen to the stereo while doing the work.
Also, when putting the new ones in should I go for the AC Delco Rapidfire plugs? Will this give me anymore power or better mileage?|||you have to take the dog house off, as you cant get to them from the fender well ( tried it, it don%26#039;t work )
this one is easy and its not hard to get the dog house off one clip on each side of the dog house and two bolts at the bottom just below the storage box on the dog house, after that its one of the easiest ones to change plugs and wires, cap and rotor there is to do.
as for the rapid-fire plugs, i cant say anything bad about ac delco plugs as they are some of the best out there, but there are plugs that are just as good at half the cost, just use a good plug, and as long as you stay away from champion spark plugs you%26#039;ll be OK, as they no longer mark what ones are made here in the USA or the ones made in japan, and the ones from japan are junk...|||i think the easist way is to jack the front end up and go thru the fenderwell|||had many g rides and the best way is from the doghouse with a swivel head ratchet and you may want a 1 inch extension on some. to reinstall use a piece of fuel line pushed onto the top of the plug to get it started. stay with ac delco and you might want to go platinum|||I owned a 1990 Chev C20 van conversion and I found it easier to remove the inside engine cover, that way you have easy access to the plugs, wires and distributor. Also you can listen to the stereo while doing the work.
Something is different with changing my spark plugs on my new car. What is it!?
I%26#039;m trying to change my spark plugs on my 99%26#039; Jetta. The end connected to the spark plug has a long metal shaft around the spark plug and I have to believe extended out past it. I%26#039;ve tried just pulling the spark plug wire but it will not budge and is starting to tear around these two connected points(wire and Metal shaft). I don%26#039;t want to break the wire... The shaft does twist but I want to make sure I know what it is. Is it part of the wire and needs to screw off, or do I just need to pull harder on it? Someone please help!|||i work on v-dubs all the time. the metal portion is a part of the wire assy. use pliers on the metal portion and pull off of plug. be careful|||the plug wire just pops over the end of a sparkplug. it sounds like yours are heavily corroded. try and get them off the best you can. then put new plugs in and get a new set of wires. the wires should be around 20 to 30 dollars if you get them from someplace like autozone. next time put some sparkplug lubricant on them and it will help out a lot|||Sounds like you are pulling by the wire, not the rubber end that encapsulates the actual connector.. If you pull by this, you shouldn%26#039;t see any separation from the cable itself. You might also try twisting the connector 180 degrees in both directions to loosen the connection.|||The metal part is an extender so that you can get the wire to the plug, and also so that the plug wire doesn%26#039;t get damaged. If you can, take a prybar with a thin edge and gently pry the end of the metal shaft off of the spark plug. It will probably have a metal lock ring around it to keep it on that you have to pop loose.
If you can%26#039;t get to the bottom of the shaft, then try rocking it gently back and forth until it pops off. If you are worried about damage and aren%26#039;t sure that you are doing it right, see a mechanic. I have found that the mechanics at VW garages are more helpful than others. You may even call the service line at your local dealership. They may have a trick that would help you out.|||thats a heat olds has them.what i do is take a long pair of channel lock pliers and pop them off.
If you can%26#039;t get to the bottom of the shaft, then try rocking it gently back and forth until it pops off. If you are worried about damage and aren%26#039;t sure that you are doing it right, see a mechanic. I have found that the mechanics at VW garages are more helpful than others. You may even call the service line at your local dealership. They may have a trick that would help you out.|||thats a heat olds has them.what i do is take a long pair of channel lock pliers and pop them off.
What is the recommended interval, in miles, for changing spark plugs?
even if the electrode still has the specified gap, but is rounded at its end|||Casey C:
It sounds like there are a lot of miles on your plugs, but that doesn%26#039;t mean that they are toast. If they are in a modern (96 and up) vehicle, they are probably platinum and good for 50,000 miles. Google your model and find the specs. Change the plugs at the proper interval or when you notice a drop off in performance or mileage.|||Your owner%26#039;s manual will tell you.
It%26#039;s been 12 years since I%26#039;ve changed the plugs on my truck. The truck still passes emissions tests. Why pay $150 for a tune up that doesn%26#039;t improve mileage, performance, etc.
I%26#039;ll just drive my truck into the ground because it%26#039;s 16 yrs old and has no trade-in or resale value.|||Depends on you engine, but with a GM V6 about every 50,000 klm or 30,000 miles..
It sounds like there are a lot of miles on your plugs, but that doesn%26#039;t mean that they are toast. If they are in a modern (96 and up) vehicle, they are probably platinum and good for 50,000 miles. Google your model and find the specs. Change the plugs at the proper interval or when you notice a drop off in performance or mileage.|||Your owner%26#039;s manual will tell you.
It%26#039;s been 12 years since I%26#039;ve changed the plugs on my truck. The truck still passes emissions tests. Why pay $150 for a tune up that doesn%26#039;t improve mileage, performance, etc.
I%26#039;ll just drive my truck into the ground because it%26#039;s 16 yrs old and has no trade-in or resale value.|||Depends on you engine, but with a GM V6 about every 50,000 klm or 30,000 miles..
My 1988 Honda Civic wont start after changing the spark plugs and ignition wires?
it was running fine until the day the spark plugs and ignition wires were changed now the little car wont even turn over sometimes there is a click and the lights on the dash come on but not every time. the firing order was checked to be sure things were correct and still nothing. The fan comes on the car still has yet to start or even crank like it wants to start.|||Sounds like bad wiring to me. Take it back to whoever changed it.|||If it is clicking then it could be your starter.|||Charge the battery.
Will changing my spark plugs make my car run smoother?
I have an old fiesta 1996, done about 68,000 miles - bit of a rusty engine but still running okay even if a little loud! Just wondering if I changed the spark plugs would it give me a bit of a smoother engine or not really make much difference?
Thanks in advance!|||you would be better off giving a full engine service,filters,plugs,oil.|||If you buy straight replacements, same as originals, you will get a smoother engine. Old plugs will have worn electrodes and carbon deposits, so will not spark with as much energy and don%26#039;t burn as much fuel. New plugs will have more energy and better fuel consumption.
If you buy better replacements, look for Triple Platinum or Iridium Power at Halfords, you will get even smoother engine because they get better fuel efficiency and burn more fuel. You spend more, say æ‹¢30 for set, but you save maybe æ‹¢300 in fuel in a year.
Even better you can boost this even more by getting the coil replaced. better coil (around æ‹¢40) gives more energy, so burns fuel more efficiently and saves maybe æ‹¢400 a year with new plugs too!
Hope this helps!|||well it wont do any harm i would sugest full service spark plugs, air, oil, and fuel filter adjust the tappet clearance- this is will help with engine noise and a fuel treament through the petrol redex or forte. if you are doing this yourself a haynes manual(which you can borrrow from your local library) and a set of feeler gauges will come in handy|||If one or more of the plugs is worn and breaking down, then yes it will make a difference. You can still have a bad wire, causing a %26quot;miss%26quot; also. A general tune up, with a fresh air filter, fuel filter goes a long way towards making the car run better....68,000 miles, heck it%26#039;s just broke in lol.|||Some body suggested iridium plugs, no way, not for your engine. Waste of money, mind you, I%26#039;ve got them, but I run an engine that revs to 7,000 rpm!
If the plugs are in good condition, then of course changing will make no difference.|||Full tune up, cap, rotor, plugs and wires would be a good idea, plus the filters and oil. The plugs themselves might help a lot, might barely help, depends on their condition and the condition of the other parts|||if its an ohv engine you want your tappets set...its a simple job and you%26#039;d be amassed how much quieter the engine will be....and ide still change the plugs as it wont hurt it..|||Yes put in new Plugs PLUS PLUS put on new H T cables. It is very likely the plug %26amp; coil cables are well past their best.
Thought about a new timing belt too???
Tappets??|||No, sparks are only there to start the engine. So it will not make the engine run smoother, only the ignition.
Thanks in advance!|||you would be better off giving a full engine service,filters,plugs,oil.|||If you buy straight replacements, same as originals, you will get a smoother engine. Old plugs will have worn electrodes and carbon deposits, so will not spark with as much energy and don%26#039;t burn as much fuel. New plugs will have more energy and better fuel consumption.
If you buy better replacements, look for Triple Platinum or Iridium Power at Halfords, you will get even smoother engine because they get better fuel efficiency and burn more fuel. You spend more, say æ‹¢30 for set, but you save maybe æ‹¢300 in fuel in a year.
Even better you can boost this even more by getting the coil replaced. better coil (around æ‹¢40) gives more energy, so burns fuel more efficiently and saves maybe æ‹¢400 a year with new plugs too!
Hope this helps!|||well it wont do any harm i would sugest full service spark plugs, air, oil, and fuel filter adjust the tappet clearance- this is will help with engine noise and a fuel treament through the petrol redex or forte. if you are doing this yourself a haynes manual(which you can borrrow from your local library) and a set of feeler gauges will come in handy|||If one or more of the plugs is worn and breaking down, then yes it will make a difference. You can still have a bad wire, causing a %26quot;miss%26quot; also. A general tune up, with a fresh air filter, fuel filter goes a long way towards making the car run better....68,000 miles, heck it%26#039;s just broke in lol.|||Some body suggested iridium plugs, no way, not for your engine. Waste of money, mind you, I%26#039;ve got them, but I run an engine that revs to 7,000 rpm!
If the plugs are in good condition, then of course changing will make no difference.|||Full tune up, cap, rotor, plugs and wires would be a good idea, plus the filters and oil. The plugs themselves might help a lot, might barely help, depends on their condition and the condition of the other parts|||if its an ohv engine you want your tappets set...its a simple job and you%26#039;d be amassed how much quieter the engine will be....and ide still change the plugs as it wont hurt it..|||Yes put in new Plugs PLUS PLUS put on new H T cables. It is very likely the plug %26amp; coil cables are well past their best.
Thought about a new timing belt too???
Tappets??|||No, sparks are only there to start the engine. So it will not make the engine run smoother, only the ignition.
My car won't start after changing spark plugs and leads!!?
I am hopeless with car stuff but would love to know why my car won%26#039;t start after changing the plugs (correct plugs) and leads (installed correctly)? There were oil leaks surronding the plugs. Someone please help!!|||Don%26#039;t take all the spark plugs off at once! The firing order will be messed up for sure!
The oil around the plugs usually just means that someone tightened the bolts too much on the valve cover and bent it, (the long flat metal cover with rounded corners that sits atop the engine, over the plugs), so that it is leaking oil down onto the plugs. It%26#039;s hard to straighten, may have to buy a new one (%26quot;Automobile--Parts--New%26quot; in the yellow pages) or one from a junk engine at the junk yard (%26quot;Automobiles-Parts--Used and rebuilt%26quot; in the yellow pages.) Shouldn%26#039;t interfere with the firing of the plugs, unless you touched the tip of the plug into the oil when you installed the plugs.|||Coil side of the centre lead is plugged into both the distributor and the coil? Did you replace the distributor cap? If so did you replace the rotor? Make sure the rotor is indeed in there.
When you say %26quot;won%26#039;t start%26quot; does it turn over and nothing happens or does it turn over but won%26#039;t fire?|||Go back and make sure the firing order is correct....|||Clean/remove all oil material from the area. Then verify that each lead is connected correctly from end-to-end.Verify that the electrical contacts have 100% electrical continuity. If there is an electrical discontinuity (check with volt meter end to end of each wire), remove the harness and return it to the store you purchased it for a free replacement. Be sure to take your receipt to the store. Install the harness correctly, verify your battery has appropriate power and start the car. If the car still won%26#039;t start, you either have a dead battery or a dead starter. If this is the case, replace the defective component. Make sure your fuel filter has also been changed. Remember not to flood the engine/carburator with fuel since the car will not start when it is flooded. Good luck.|||Dont ditch the car just yet.
Ensure the plugs and wires were installed correctly. If they%26#039;re not in the correct order running form the distributer, then it%26#039;s not going to start. Also make sure the plugs are in snug but not too tight and that the plug wires are on firm and correctly until a click is heard.
Also check the distributer for cracks and such.
The oil around the plugs typically just means you need a new valve cover gasket.
If that doesnt help your battery may be dead, or your starter, or alternator depending on what kind of sound you hear when trying to crank up.
What sound do you hear when trying to crank up?|||If you only changed the plugs and wires and the plugs are the right ones, then you mixed up the firing order (wire order) even if you think you didn%26#039;t. Recheck the order, this is the ONLY thing it can be.|||i agree firing order. since that was the last repair done prior to a no start. 16yrs ASE cert. retired|||Maybe you have knocked the power wire off the coil, or distributor.
The oil around the plugs usually just means that someone tightened the bolts too much on the valve cover and bent it, (the long flat metal cover with rounded corners that sits atop the engine, over the plugs), so that it is leaking oil down onto the plugs. It%26#039;s hard to straighten, may have to buy a new one (%26quot;Automobile--Parts--New%26quot; in the yellow pages) or one from a junk engine at the junk yard (%26quot;Automobiles-Parts--Used and rebuilt%26quot; in the yellow pages.) Shouldn%26#039;t interfere with the firing of the plugs, unless you touched the tip of the plug into the oil when you installed the plugs.|||Coil side of the centre lead is plugged into both the distributor and the coil? Did you replace the distributor cap? If so did you replace the rotor? Make sure the rotor is indeed in there.
When you say %26quot;won%26#039;t start%26quot; does it turn over and nothing happens or does it turn over but won%26#039;t fire?|||Go back and make sure the firing order is correct....|||Clean/remove all oil material from the area. Then verify that each lead is connected correctly from end-to-end.Verify that the electrical contacts have 100% electrical continuity. If there is an electrical discontinuity (check with volt meter end to end of each wire), remove the harness and return it to the store you purchased it for a free replacement. Be sure to take your receipt to the store. Install the harness correctly, verify your battery has appropriate power and start the car. If the car still won%26#039;t start, you either have a dead battery or a dead starter. If this is the case, replace the defective component. Make sure your fuel filter has also been changed. Remember not to flood the engine/carburator with fuel since the car will not start when it is flooded. Good luck.|||Dont ditch the car just yet.
Ensure the plugs and wires were installed correctly. If they%26#039;re not in the correct order running form the distributer, then it%26#039;s not going to start. Also make sure the plugs are in snug but not too tight and that the plug wires are on firm and correctly until a click is heard.
Also check the distributer for cracks and such.
The oil around the plugs typically just means you need a new valve cover gasket.
If that doesnt help your battery may be dead, or your starter, or alternator depending on what kind of sound you hear when trying to crank up.
What sound do you hear when trying to crank up?|||If you only changed the plugs and wires and the plugs are the right ones, then you mixed up the firing order (wire order) even if you think you didn%26#039;t. Recheck the order, this is the ONLY thing it can be.|||i agree firing order. since that was the last repair done prior to a no start. 16yrs ASE cert. retired|||Maybe you have knocked the power wire off the coil, or distributor.
Popping Noise after Changing Spark Plugs?
I just changed the spark plugs, and now when I try to start my truck it makes awful popping sounds, with a puff of smoke. I tried to make sure I didn%26#039;t get too much debris in the engine, but I%26#039;m hoping that%26#039;s only it. I%26#039;m pretty confident that I didn%26#039;t mix up any of the spark plug leads, and I started it earlier today just fine.|||did you make sure they was the same reach and everything,because other than them not being gaped right it should have run pretty good,go back over the firing order those are easy to cross up,one plug wire crossed will cause this,and you may have did like i did once, i bought a bad set of spark plugs,people say it cant happen,but it can,i bought a new set of ac delco plugs for a v-6 engine,and 2 of them was dead as a door nail and it made my truck back fire real bad,id go back over it and check it good,anythings possible,good luck with it.|||you have either a loose spark plug wire, its shorting to ground or its a spark jumping around a bad plug. might have loosened up|||Sounds like you have the plug wires mixed up. You need to go back and look at the manual and make sure you have them in the right spot. Also check the gap in your plugs.|||When you change new spark plugs, you should ALWAYS calibrate the new ones to whatever specifications your truck has. There%26#039;s usually a sticker under the hood that says the year, engine size, and the spark plug gap, they%26#039;re usually around 0.045%26quot;, and you will need a spark plug gapper to set them.|||You definitely have your plug wires crossed up. In the future only change one plug at a time removing and replacing each wire as you go.|||double check your wiring order,|||Mostly it could be a problem of any leakage of current,please check your sparkplug cables and also the correct connection..
All the best
bahrain|||Sounds like you%26#039;ve got a few plug wires reversed check your firing order and make sure all wires are on the right plugs. **** luck!
All the best
bahrain|||Sounds like you%26#039;ve got a few plug wires reversed check your firing order and make sure all wires are on the right plugs. **** luck!
Does anyone know about changing spark plugs on a 1998 chevy blazer?
i have a 1998 4wd blazer with the vortech v6 engine in it, and im trying to figure out how easy it is to do the spark plugs on it and where exactly they are and how to get to them. it looks pretty tuff.|||It%26#039;s not the easiest vehicle to replace the plugs in. The left side is the most difficult. The steering shaft is really in the way over there. I jack the front of the vehicle up and access the plugs from the wheel well with a long extension and socket.|||you might be better off to take it to a shop|||i own a repair shop,and it is a hard job to do,i suggest if you have never worked on a vortec before that you have it done,because they have them tucked away in there real good ,i do this for a living ,and i don%26#039;t like seeing one of those come in,but if your going to try it your self,go get a good repair manual for it,,a Haynes is a good one to have for it they tell everything in detail,,good luck,i hope this help,s.|||I agree, if you%26#039;re having this much trouble just trying to figure out exactly where they are and how to get to them (plus it looks pretty tuff???), you might not want to do this yourself! Take it into the shop and spend the few bucks it%26#039;ll cost you.|||honestly...if it looks that hard to you perhaps you should just have someone else do it. This is normally one of the easier jobs.
But if you insist on doing it yourself...get a spark plug at oreilly%26#039;s or elsewhere...and a ratchet and a spark plug gapper. All can be obtained at the parts store with your spark plugs. work the wires off of the spark your case do this one plug at a time. remove the old plug...oh yeah...get some antisieze lubricant. put a small amount of antiseize lubricant on the threads of the plug after gapping them correctly. install in the reverse procedure removed.|||it can be difficult.they are probably under the manifold,if so then they are hard to see them.all i can tell you is trace the plug wires down till you feel the plugs and take a 5/8th plug socket and ratchet and change them.|||this is not an easy one to change I%26#039;ve done a few you need to be inventive ie. extensions wrenches swivels on sockets etc. and as far as access the left side is hard because you need to get around the steering shaft but there are worse out there.. so if you decide to do it on your own kudos to you and good luck
But if you insist on doing it yourself...get a spark plug at oreilly%26#039;s or elsewhere...and a ratchet and a spark plug gapper. All can be obtained at the parts store with your spark plugs. work the wires off of the spark your case do this one plug at a time. remove the old plug...oh yeah...get some antisieze lubricant. put a small amount of antiseize lubricant on the threads of the plug after gapping them correctly. install in the reverse procedure removed.|||it can be difficult.they are probably under the manifold,if so then they are hard to see them.all i can tell you is trace the plug wires down till you feel the plugs and take a 5/8th plug socket and ratchet and change them.|||this is not an easy one to change I%26#039;ve done a few you need to be inventive ie. extensions wrenches swivels on sockets etc. and as far as access the left side is hard because you need to get around the steering shaft but there are worse out there.. so if you decide to do it on your own kudos to you and good luck
Changing Spark Plugs on a 2003 Hyundai Elantra?
So the old Hundy has right at 90,000 miles and I wanted to give her some new life again, but unfortunately I have never changed the spark plugs on this particular type of vehicle. Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of a good online manual or perhaps a few tips on what to look for and of course what not to do? I%26#039;m pretty good at fixing things, but unfortunately I haven%26#039;t been exposed to a lot of automobile repair. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated!|||Directly from link below:
Q: How do I install spark plugs correctly?
A: It is essential to tighten a spark plug to the specified turning angle or torque setting. First, screw in the plug finger tight until the gasket meets the cylinder head. Then seat the plug/gasket with a torque or turning angle wrench as specified in the chart in this link:鈥?/a>|||My Bentley fouled a spark plug, so I bought a new one.
I got it in blue this time...
What%26#039;s wrong with my grammar?|||just pull the plug wires off the the plugs, get a spark plug wrench and untighten them and pull them out. they make an attachment to the socket wrench that has rubber inside of it to grab the spark plug and pull it out. buy some new plugs. I think you can buy them pre-gapped. put the new plugs in and tighten with the wrench. DON%26#039;T overtighten them. some people use a torque wrench, I just go by feel. It%26#039;s a no brainer.|||this is a simple task for most people. Just buy the correct spark plugs for your vehicle. The gap should be preadjusted at the time of purchase right out of the box. Just replace 1 spark plug at a time so you dont confuse the firing order of the engine. You will need a spark plug socket, an extension rod and a good wratchet wrench 3/8 drive should be fine. Make sure you do not cross thread the plugs when installing them into the engine, and make sure that the engine is cold. this should do it for you, if you need more help, feel free to e-mail me.
good luck|||take it to a dealership and let them do it. it should have been done at 30,000
Q: How do I install spark plugs correctly?
A: It is essential to tighten a spark plug to the specified turning angle or torque setting. First, screw in the plug finger tight until the gasket meets the cylinder head. Then seat the plug/gasket with a torque or turning angle wrench as specified in the chart in this link:鈥?/a>|||My Bentley fouled a spark plug, so I bought a new one.
I got it in blue this time...
What%26#039;s wrong with my grammar?|||just pull the plug wires off the the plugs, get a spark plug wrench and untighten them and pull them out. they make an attachment to the socket wrench that has rubber inside of it to grab the spark plug and pull it out. buy some new plugs. I think you can buy them pre-gapped. put the new plugs in and tighten with the wrench. DON%26#039;T overtighten them. some people use a torque wrench, I just go by feel. It%26#039;s a no brainer.|||this is a simple task for most people. Just buy the correct spark plugs for your vehicle. The gap should be preadjusted at the time of purchase right out of the box. Just replace 1 spark plug at a time so you dont confuse the firing order of the engine. You will need a spark plug socket, an extension rod and a good wratchet wrench 3/8 drive should be fine. Make sure you do not cross thread the plugs when installing them into the engine, and make sure that the engine is cold. this should do it for you, if you need more help, feel free to e-mail me.
good luck|||take it to a dealership and let them do it. it should have been done at 30,000
Can not changing spark plugs cause you to burn more oil?
I have changed 2 out of the 4 plugs, the other 2 require removing top of engine, can this cause me to lose oil, or is it not related? Thanks|||No, oil burning is a function of cylinder wear such as rings, cylinder walls, pistons and valve guides|||Not related.If it%26#039;s not missing i wouldn%26#039;t bother until it did.
Changing spark plugs on 2001 Taurus-How to on rear 3 bank?
I have a 2001 Taurus with a durtec motor.The intake manefold is covering the rear 3 plugs.Any suggestions on how much of the manifold I need to remove to access the plugs?
Also I would like to change the fuel filter-where is it and is it easy to replace?
I just bought the car.
Thanks much
Carl|||You need to take the intake off, alot of cars are like that these days, it%26#039;s not too difficult.|||Also... FUEL FILTER
Should be on at the Gas tank, and one before the fuel rail in the engine compartment.|||The fuel filter is probably either in the engine bay (not likely, usually its early 90%26#039;s foreign cars that placed them here) or on the fuel line under the car, look on the engine side of the gas tank.
Whatever is on top of the spark plugs, whether its the intake manifold or an engine cover, just find the bolts, and take them off. Shouldn%26#039;t be too hard.
Also I would like to change the fuel filter-where is it and is it easy to replace?
I just bought the car.
Thanks much
Carl|||You need to take the intake off, alot of cars are like that these days, it%26#039;s not too difficult.|||Also... FUEL FILTER
Should be on at the Gas tank, and one before the fuel rail in the engine compartment.|||The fuel filter is probably either in the engine bay (not likely, usually its early 90%26#039;s foreign cars that placed them here) or on the fuel line under the car, look on the engine side of the gas tank.
Whatever is on top of the spark plugs, whether its the intake manifold or an engine cover, just find the bolts, and take them off. Shouldn%26#039;t be too hard.
Changing spark plugs in 2001 pontiac bonneville?
i decided to change the spark plugs in my bonneville this week. ive taken off the front four and one of the back ones. they are so difficult to take off by themselves and the last two are very hard to reach too. i spent over an hour on the back one. the front took a long time also. is this normal. the plug wires are like a thick rubber and have a metal shield around them. the engines is a 3800 V6 not supercharged. how can i get these wires off more easily?
thanks|||I%26#039;ve had to change many of thoes (I work in a garage) and they still cause problems. Are you just pulling the wires off with your hands or a spark plug wire puller? by pulling them by hand you have a chance of breaking the wires inside and damaging the wires. Also the wires should be looked at and replaced if needed. Same with the cap and rotor (if not and electric distributor, I can%26#039;t remember on that engine) as for the last two plugs, take spark plug puller pliers and bend the end to a 90 degree angle, I did that to the ones in my tool box, and it works a lot better. and that metal shield is a heat shield, so when you get them off, make sure you put them back on, or else you can damage with wires with the heat of the exhause manifold. Also, there should be 3 plugs in the front, and 3 in the back, so the front four?|||like most newer cars im sure its a front wheel drive so the motor is sideways,this sucks...i have a galant and they ended up having to remove the intake manifold to get to the back plugs.have you tried coming up from under the car?get it on jack stands in the front, but leave the floor jack for extra support,try to get it high enough to where you body fits under the car,make sure IT IS FIRM.shake it to make sure its stable.once i did this to my pontiac grand am, and bam.i had acess to the plugs.good luck|||OK are you ready? There is a solid engine strut mounted from the engine to a front mount. Get a coat hanger ready, remove the nut and bolts on the BOth sides of the mount and remove the strut. You will need a pry bar or something close to it to now pull the motor to the front of the car, engine will move a good 3 -4 inches. I think at this point yo will understand what the hanger is for, if you have help would nice for them to loop the hanger through the mount holes that you just moved to hold the engine forward. this will give you as much room as you can get. Good Luck to you. Dennis|||patience is a virtue - or take it to your nearest gm dealer for $100/hour|||Wow, if its so hard maybe some moisture got into the boot of the wire. Well, either way, you should get a good set of automotive socket wrenches with an extension and a socket made specically for removing spark plugs. You could get a breaker bar too, but you prolly shouldn%26#039;t need it for spark plugs.|||amigo,. you must remove front engine mounts. in park push car back wards, engine will flip forward,. this Will make it a breeze to change,. i recommend to replace your wire too,.after wires are pullout they get damage.this will save you a lot of trouble..|||I didn%26#039;t any plugs could get off themselves, but if you talk to the others real sweet , maybe they will too...|||When you change your spark plugs, invest in the wires also... they may be replacement plugs (hopefully), and sometimes, different vehicles will have the wire size precise with the plugs that are installed by the manufacturer. Sounds really dumb, it is true.
thanks|||I%26#039;ve had to change many of thoes (I work in a garage) and they still cause problems. Are you just pulling the wires off with your hands or a spark plug wire puller? by pulling them by hand you have a chance of breaking the wires inside and damaging the wires. Also the wires should be looked at and replaced if needed. Same with the cap and rotor (if not and electric distributor, I can%26#039;t remember on that engine) as for the last two plugs, take spark plug puller pliers and bend the end to a 90 degree angle, I did that to the ones in my tool box, and it works a lot better. and that metal shield is a heat shield, so when you get them off, make sure you put them back on, or else you can damage with wires with the heat of the exhause manifold. Also, there should be 3 plugs in the front, and 3 in the back, so the front four?|||like most newer cars im sure its a front wheel drive so the motor is sideways,this sucks...i have a galant and they ended up having to remove the intake manifold to get to the back plugs.have you tried coming up from under the car?get it on jack stands in the front, but leave the floor jack for extra support,try to get it high enough to where you body fits under the car,make sure IT IS FIRM.shake it to make sure its stable.once i did this to my pontiac grand am, and bam.i had acess to the plugs.good luck|||OK are you ready? There is a solid engine strut mounted from the engine to a front mount. Get a coat hanger ready, remove the nut and bolts on the BOth sides of the mount and remove the strut. You will need a pry bar or something close to it to now pull the motor to the front of the car, engine will move a good 3 -4 inches. I think at this point yo will understand what the hanger is for, if you have help would nice for them to loop the hanger through the mount holes that you just moved to hold the engine forward. this will give you as much room as you can get. Good Luck to you. Dennis|||patience is a virtue - or take it to your nearest gm dealer for $100/hour|||Wow, if its so hard maybe some moisture got into the boot of the wire. Well, either way, you should get a good set of automotive socket wrenches with an extension and a socket made specically for removing spark plugs. You could get a breaker bar too, but you prolly shouldn%26#039;t need it for spark plugs.|||amigo,. you must remove front engine mounts. in park push car back wards, engine will flip forward,. this Will make it a breeze to change,. i recommend to replace your wire too,.after wires are pullout they get damage.this will save you a lot of trouble..|||I didn%26#039;t any plugs could get off themselves, but if you talk to the others real sweet , maybe they will too...|||When you change your spark plugs, invest in the wires also... they may be replacement plugs (hopefully), and sometimes, different vehicles will have the wire size precise with the plugs that are installed by the manufacturer. Sounds really dumb, it is true.
Why does my car idle rough after changing spark plugs/ wires?
I just changed the wires and plugs on my 94 buick regal 3.8. The wires are all connected correctly and the plugs are in tight, with the proper gap. However since I have changed them the car is idling pretty rough. It goes away as I drive, even at low speed, any ideas? (Also, It used to idle rough every once and a while, but is more persistent since I changed the plugs and wires.)|||check pcv valve. it may be hung up with its new found power and thighter vacuum. Shake it, if it ratles its good|||Were any of the plugs dropped or bumped?
The porcelain might have a hair-line crack.|||you might have changed wire possitions|||if it ran good b4 check gap of plugs as well check to c u didnt dross a wire these things happen were all human if this doesnt work if its 96 or newr its obd2 . hook it to a machine and read the codes.. hope this helps,|||Take the plugs back out. The one that%26#039;s misfiring will be wet and/or black. Double-check your firing order carefully (this is the most common problem), then re-install and make sure the wires are on tight at both ends. Then try again.
Good luck!|||you might have damaged the porcelain on the plugs when you put them in,there real easy to break,its possible also that you might have got a set of plugs that aren%26#039;t all that good,i have done this a few times,you may have to take them back out,and re-check the gap,and make sure they aren%26#039;t damaged ,any cracking in the porcelain will cause one to mis -fire,if it got worse when you did the tune up is has to be something to do with it ,good luck with it.|||I would say maybe a coincidence. Check the idle air control (iac) located near the throttle body. also see that the throttle body is clean. You might check the throttle position sensor (tps) also. As a lesser suspect would be the egr valve.|||It can happen that you got some bad wires. The best way to check this is to park the car in the garage nose first or go outside at night and pop the hood and start the engine. If there is any arcing you will see it in the dark.
Some wires, it only takes one wire, will have a slight manufacturing flaw and will throw the spark to the path of least resistance which isn%26#039;t the spark plug in this case.
They can replace them under warranty if this is the case.
You also need to be aware of a perfect replacement spark plug. Just because someone hands you a spark plug in a auto parts store does not mean it is the right plug. You need to eyeball every plug to make sure they are all identical to the ones you removed. Especially width, depth or height so it doesn%26#039;t hit the piston or cross thread into the cylinder head.
If one plug isn%26#039;t torqued properly (snug) you%26#039;ll have a slight miss in that cylinder.
Make sure the plug wire boots are snug on the plugs, too. The little %26quot;clip%26quot; inside the wire boots are not all set at the same depth and can be adjusted so the boot covers most of the plug.
Also, if you get any of the anti-seize graphite compound on the boots or on the outside of the plug then the spark will pass the spark plug and go straight to the head. You%26#039;d have to pull the wire and plug one at a time and clean them off with clean rag and something like brake parts cleaner. There are two types of %26quot;grease%26quot; you use when changing the plugs. The anti-seize conducts electricity and should only go on the plug threads and the dielectric grease you put on the boots does not conduct electricity.
Good Luck!|||Grab the wire rs by the and if you get a shock. That is a good please to start looking for your problem.A crack in the plug or the cap.It could be lose there.
The porcelain might have a hair-line crack.|||you might have changed wire possitions|||if it ran good b4 check gap of plugs as well check to c u didnt dross a wire these things happen were all human if this doesnt work if its 96 or newr its obd2 . hook it to a machine and read the codes.. hope this helps,|||Take the plugs back out. The one that%26#039;s misfiring will be wet and/or black. Double-check your firing order carefully (this is the most common problem), then re-install and make sure the wires are on tight at both ends. Then try again.
Good luck!|||you might have damaged the porcelain on the plugs when you put them in,there real easy to break,its possible also that you might have got a set of plugs that aren%26#039;t all that good,i have done this a few times,you may have to take them back out,and re-check the gap,and make sure they aren%26#039;t damaged ,any cracking in the porcelain will cause one to mis -fire,if it got worse when you did the tune up is has to be something to do with it ,good luck with it.|||I would say maybe a coincidence. Check the idle air control (iac) located near the throttle body. also see that the throttle body is clean. You might check the throttle position sensor (tps) also. As a lesser suspect would be the egr valve.|||It can happen that you got some bad wires. The best way to check this is to park the car in the garage nose first or go outside at night and pop the hood and start the engine. If there is any arcing you will see it in the dark.
Some wires, it only takes one wire, will have a slight manufacturing flaw and will throw the spark to the path of least resistance which isn%26#039;t the spark plug in this case.
They can replace them under warranty if this is the case.
You also need to be aware of a perfect replacement spark plug. Just because someone hands you a spark plug in a auto parts store does not mean it is the right plug. You need to eyeball every plug to make sure they are all identical to the ones you removed. Especially width, depth or height so it doesn%26#039;t hit the piston or cross thread into the cylinder head.
If one plug isn%26#039;t torqued properly (snug) you%26#039;ll have a slight miss in that cylinder.
Make sure the plug wire boots are snug on the plugs, too. The little %26quot;clip%26quot; inside the wire boots are not all set at the same depth and can be adjusted so the boot covers most of the plug.
Also, if you get any of the anti-seize graphite compound on the boots or on the outside of the plug then the spark will pass the spark plug and go straight to the head. You%26#039;d have to pull the wire and plug one at a time and clean them off with clean rag and something like brake parts cleaner. There are two types of %26quot;grease%26quot; you use when changing the plugs. The anti-seize conducts electricity and should only go on the plug threads and the dielectric grease you put on the boots does not conduct electricity.
Good Luck!|||Grab the wire rs by the and if you get a shock. That is a good please to start looking for your problem.A crack in the plug or the cap.It could be lose there.
My truck is misfiring after changing spark plugs?
My truck is misfiring, I replaced 4 of the 6 spark plugs, the old plugs were Platinum and the new ones are double Platinum. The reason I only replaced 4 is because it was getting too dark. I will do the other 2 tomorrow.
2004 Frontier SuperCharged.
Other info 2004 Supercharged frontier,|||chances are that if you didn%26#039;t have the mis fire before you started then you must recheck your work. a way to find which cylinder is misfiring would be to pull each wire off one at a time while the engine is running and when the misfire go%26#039;s away then that cylinder is the one with the misfire. remember to use a rubber coated pliers so you dont get jolted. also be carefull to not damage the spark plug wires . it is possible that you packed some debris on one of the spark plugs during installation since you were working in the dark. it is also possible that you cracked a spark plug insulator upon tightening the plug and last if the misfire is consistant then it is possible that you put a wire on the wrong . hope this helps|||One time I was changing my plugs and didn%26#039;t notice but when when installing one of the plugs i barely chipped the ceramic and it caused mine to misfire. It doesn%26#039;t take much I was being very careful. Not saying that%26#039;s your problem. Your problem is probably the fact that the new plugs are igniting a lot more than the old two and causing problems, install the others and you should be fine IMO.|||Done the wires too? It may be one of the two you haven%26#039;t changed as well.
Could be the ignition coils, could be a faulty sensor, could be a tetchy computer.
Could be lots of things, I%26#039;d suggest you finish the plugs and wires and go from there.|||Make sure you got the wires on the right plugs and that they are tight, if that%26#039;s OK then you cracked one of the plugs putting them in.|||i think u have wrongly connected the coil wires to spark plug..try looking where u have gone wrong or get a mechanic He ll fix it in a minute..|||You crossed plug wires you put them on the wrong plugs. Get a flash light. lol
2004 Frontier SuperCharged.
Other info 2004 Supercharged frontier,|||chances are that if you didn%26#039;t have the mis fire before you started then you must recheck your work. a way to find which cylinder is misfiring would be to pull each wire off one at a time while the engine is running and when the misfire go%26#039;s away then that cylinder is the one with the misfire. remember to use a rubber coated pliers so you dont get jolted. also be carefull to not damage the spark plug wires . it is possible that you packed some debris on one of the spark plugs during installation since you were working in the dark. it is also possible that you cracked a spark plug insulator upon tightening the plug and last if the misfire is consistant then it is possible that you put a wire on the wrong . hope this helps|||One time I was changing my plugs and didn%26#039;t notice but when when installing one of the plugs i barely chipped the ceramic and it caused mine to misfire. It doesn%26#039;t take much I was being very careful. Not saying that%26#039;s your problem. Your problem is probably the fact that the new plugs are igniting a lot more than the old two and causing problems, install the others and you should be fine IMO.|||Done the wires too? It may be one of the two you haven%26#039;t changed as well.
Could be the ignition coils, could be a faulty sensor, could be a tetchy computer.
Could be lots of things, I%26#039;d suggest you finish the plugs and wires and go from there.|||Make sure you got the wires on the right plugs and that they are tight, if that%26#039;s OK then you cracked one of the plugs putting them in.|||i think u have wrongly connected the coil wires to spark plug..try looking where u have gone wrong or get a mechanic He ll fix it in a minute..|||You crossed plug wires you put them on the wrong plugs. Get a flash light. lol
Changing Spark Plugs on a 1985 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM?
I have a 305 in my Trans Am. I can reach the front two sparks with a little diffaculity, but figured out how. I am having problems reaching the back two. And hints on reaching these plugs? This is on both sides of the engine. On the drivers side, I have all the brake lines, and the master cylinder in the way, and vacume lines on the passenger side.|||take the wheels off and go through the wheel wells on it ,this should let you get to them,i had a 91 that i had to do this way,very tight to work on those,good luck.
Will changing your spark plugs after 95000 miles make a noticeable difference in performance?
I have a 2001 nissan sentra se 2.0.L. I was wondering if changing my spark plugs would really make a noticeable diffrence in speed/acceleration, or if its all just a scam.|||WHERE YOU WILL PROBABLE SEE THE MOST DIFFERENCE IS BETTER GAS MILEAGE----DON%26#039;T USE CHEAP PLUGS -----PUT IN BOSCH +4 PLATINUM ---IT WILL RUN BETTER AND GET BETTER GAS MILEAGE|||I would say yes. I replace mine every 30,000 miles. Why not, they are cheap enough to replace and easy enough especially on your car. if you plan on keeping your car, replace things Fuel filter, air filter, oil every 3k with synthetic, it will last a lot longer. If you plan on not keepin your car and just plan on getting rid of it in a few years, then just dont change anything.|||Probably not if it%26#039;s still running smoothly. A plug either fires or it doesn%26#039;t. In theory an old plug has a wider gap than it should, which makes it a little bit late, but it%26#039;s hard to observe any difference.||| makes a difference in performance cars but in your car probably not. It%26#039;s not a scam...even if it was are you going to argue over 10 bucks in parts that make your car run smoother?|||Yeah, you would only notice diffrence if the old plugs were faulty or dirty and corroded, otherwise it will be the same experience. But never the less always check the plugs..
Weird car noise after changing spark plugs - what could it be?
I just changed the spark plugs on my 2000 Chrysler Cirrus. When I first started the car I got a rapid ticking/sparking noise and it wouldn%26#039;t start. I tried it again and it worked. It seems to recur randomly now
Any idea what the noise could be?|||you sure they were the right plugs? if they%26#039;re too long the pistons will hit them. or one of you plug leads is arcing.||| sounds like ya don%26#039;t have the plug wire on right ,or ya got two mixed up,you may have missed the plug and gone right beside it
with the hood open and vehicle running look for sparking ,that would be the cylinder|||your problem is loose plug leads make sure your plug leads clip on the spark plugs also make sure you have the right spark plugs fitted on, or you crack your pistons and you have major headache.
Any idea what the noise could be?|||you sure they were the right plugs? if they%26#039;re too long the pistons will hit them. or one of you plug leads is arcing.||| sounds like ya don%26#039;t have the plug wire on right ,or ya got two mixed up,you may have missed the plug and gone right beside it
with the hood open and vehicle running look for sparking ,that would be the cylinder|||your problem is loose plug leads make sure your plug leads clip on the spark plugs also make sure you have the right spark plugs fitted on, or you crack your pistons and you have major headache.
Do i need to adjust my ignition timing after changing spark plugs?
Is it necessary for me to readjust my ignition timing after I replace my spark plugs? There is nothing new about the spark plugs, they%26#039;re the same gap, heat range, and the same OEM NGK brand as the old plugs. It%26#039;s just standard maintenance, but is it still necessary for me to do so?|||Nope.|||The spark plug has got nothing to do with ignition timing. So what is your problem?|||As you%26#039;ve replaced the plugs, I%26#039;m assuming they were old. So if you have re-gapped the new ones, I%26#039;d think you%26#039;d want to adjust (can you still do that these days, or is it an older type car?) or replace the points anyway. It%26#039;s part of standard maintenance, I%26#039;d have thought.
How important is to know the firing order in a vehicle when changing spark plugs?
I don%26#039;t have the repair manual for a Ford Taurus 1996 V6 3.0 litres,so i don%26#039;t know the firing order,i am not replacing the distributor cap,only the the firing order very important when changing the plugs?
Thanks in advance.|||If you take out one plug, replace it and put the wire back on, then do the next one, until they%26#039;re all changed, one by one, you cannot mix them up. If you have two wires loose at the same time, there%26#039;s a chance you might mix them up- only 50% chance. If you take them all off, then there%26#039;s a great chance some will be on wrong unless you label them, and you would do well to know the firing order to doublecheck your work to make sure they%26#039;re labeled right. The bottom line is, if you do them one at a time, you don%26#039;t have to know the firing order.
When you get ready to change the distributor cap, remember, one wire at a time. If you xerox the page from Chiltons Auto Repair showing the firing order diagram, that is good insurance for you, just in case.
They used to put the firing order on the intake manifold of engines. I haven%26#039;t looked for years, though.|||No it%26#039;s not important as long as you do one plug at a time.|||ok bud it is your bible, no other way to say how important that is, ill post it later, are you sure its got a distributor?im gonna look in my book, just as soon as i finish dinner and banana split, and maybe a beer.|||One at a time, no need to know firing order.|||If you get them out of order then gas will build up in one piston when the plug doesn%26#039;t fire and then it will backfire very badly, even shooting flames up your carburetor and damaging your engine. Do what everyone else said and change one plug at a time.|||it can be criticle if you dont go one by one. you will find the firing order for this engine is somewhere on the engine usually on the intake manifold though just incase. as I recall you have a coil pack on the top of the engine and I believe each coil pack matched up to the spark plud they fired example the front left pack was to the front left plug, middle to middle plug etc. ps be sure to put some antiseize of the threads of the spark plug you are installing as they tend to gall in the threded part of the cylinder without this your next time may be the end of betsy the taurus.|||Suggest to do one at a time, then no need to know firing order
Thanks in advance.|||If you take out one plug, replace it and put the wire back on, then do the next one, until they%26#039;re all changed, one by one, you cannot mix them up. If you have two wires loose at the same time, there%26#039;s a chance you might mix them up- only 50% chance. If you take them all off, then there%26#039;s a great chance some will be on wrong unless you label them, and you would do well to know the firing order to doublecheck your work to make sure they%26#039;re labeled right. The bottom line is, if you do them one at a time, you don%26#039;t have to know the firing order.
When you get ready to change the distributor cap, remember, one wire at a time. If you xerox the page from Chiltons Auto Repair showing the firing order diagram, that is good insurance for you, just in case.
They used to put the firing order on the intake manifold of engines. I haven%26#039;t looked for years, though.|||No it%26#039;s not important as long as you do one plug at a time.|||ok bud it is your bible, no other way to say how important that is, ill post it later, are you sure its got a distributor?im gonna look in my book, just as soon as i finish dinner and banana split, and maybe a beer.|||One at a time, no need to know firing order.|||If you get them out of order then gas will build up in one piston when the plug doesn%26#039;t fire and then it will backfire very badly, even shooting flames up your carburetor and damaging your engine. Do what everyone else said and change one plug at a time.|||it can be criticle if you dont go one by one. you will find the firing order for this engine is somewhere on the engine usually on the intake manifold though just incase. as I recall you have a coil pack on the top of the engine and I believe each coil pack matched up to the spark plud they fired example the front left pack was to the front left plug, middle to middle plug etc. ps be sure to put some antiseize of the threads of the spark plug you are installing as they tend to gall in the threded part of the cylinder without this your next time may be the end of betsy the taurus.|||Suggest to do one at a time, then no need to know firing order
Changing spark plugs on a 99 Pontiac Montana?
Does anyone know how or an easy way to change the rear spark plugs on a 99 Pontiac Montana?|||I had the same problem with a Lumina, remove those dog bones (motor torque struts) that hang from the top of the radiator to the front side of the motor. Take them all the way off if you want. With those off , push the van forward ( while in park) and the motor will move forward a few inches for more clearance from the fire wall. I was able to put a piece of wood( small 2X4) in between the fire wall and the valve cover to keep the car from rocking back. You can also block the wheels if someone else can keep the car from rocking back. If the wires have never been off, they will most likely break. There isn%26#039;t enough room or long enough arm to get them from the bottom of the van. The plugs and plug boots sit deep in the valley between the exhaust manifold , I taped the extension and spark plug socket together so they would not separate after I got the plugs back in. Remember at a time every time.|||Newer cars are frequently the victims of exceedingly tight engine compartments, however it can be done. Often times on an application such as your i would recommend trying to come through the bottom of the car while it is safely jacked up or on a life and attempt to remove the plugs from below. If that dosent work, attempt to use varying sizes of ratchet extenders and find the right combination through trial and error.
What are the basic complete tools for changing spark plugs?
I have no problems changing the plugs on the 4 cyl where just one plug may be a bit obstructed by an alternator, but what tool set will allow me to handle all, or nearly all, plug changes without getting underneath the car or becoming a contortionist. I have one swivel socket, 5/8, an extension, and a red plastic thng I use to start the plug I%26#039;m placing into the socket which i then turn by hand, followd by a turn from the socket wrench to tighten completely. I%26#039;ve been asked to do plug changes for the local senior complex..Thanks.|||Here is a basic list of tools that will cover most of the situations you encounter:
- 5/8%26quot; thin-wall spark plug socket
- 13/16%26quot; thin-wall spark plug socket
(There are 2 different sized plugs. Make sure they are thin-walled as some plugs are recessed in small holes. Good sockets will have a rubber grip insert inside to hold the plug while you remove it so it doesn%26#039;t fall, you could also use it as a plug starter %26amp; leave it on the plug and just plug in the extension %26amp; tighten. You can also get sockets that have built-in swivels on the ends that you can use with the one you already have if needed.)
- 3/8%26quot; drive ratchet
- 3/8%26quot; drive extensions of various lengths (1%26quot;, 3%26quot;, 5%26quot; 11%26quot;, 19%26quot; are the ones I have and can be combined together as needed. The reason for the long ones are that sometimes the best way to access plugs are through the wheel well with the car jacked up slightly. Also nice for plugs in the back so that you aren%26#039;t crawling onto the car to reach them.)
- flashlight
- mirror on an pivotable extension shaft (they make them just for automotive type of work. Get a decent sized mirror of 2%26quot;x4%26quot; or so to make it easy to use.)
- plug gap gauge (usually around $1-$2 at an auto parts store)
- can of compressed air (to blow dirt out around the base of the plug before removing it (find at most computer stores around $2-$4)
- plug wire puller may help for those tight spots
Sometimes it is necessary to move or remove engine parts (i.e. alternator, PS pump, A/C compressor, etc..) to gain access to certain plugs. A good set of metric and SAE combination wrenches and 3/8%26quot; drive sockets can come in handy.
Hope that helps. Best of luck.|||quality sockets with a nice fitting rubber, preferablly with an extension built in so as not to drop or pulloff...and a way to clean the area around the plug before removing.. allways hand start the new plug (after a gap check) with a low torque devise like an old plugwire boot or length of fueline hose.. if it doesn%26#039;t FEEL right going in it may be crossthreaded...and always wait for the engine to cool... best is overnight before removing plugs from allow heads..|||the basic tools are a socket, extension, ratchet, and a spark plug gap gauge....don%26#039;t take for granted that the plugs will come pre-set. you may also want a wire puller...just so you don%26#039;t mess your spark pug wires up. i know it sounds easy to change plugs in your car, but there is much more to it than you of luck
- 5/8%26quot; thin-wall spark plug socket
- 13/16%26quot; thin-wall spark plug socket
(There are 2 different sized plugs. Make sure they are thin-walled as some plugs are recessed in small holes. Good sockets will have a rubber grip insert inside to hold the plug while you remove it so it doesn%26#039;t fall, you could also use it as a plug starter %26amp; leave it on the plug and just plug in the extension %26amp; tighten. You can also get sockets that have built-in swivels on the ends that you can use with the one you already have if needed.)
- 3/8%26quot; drive ratchet
- 3/8%26quot; drive extensions of various lengths (1%26quot;, 3%26quot;, 5%26quot; 11%26quot;, 19%26quot; are the ones I have and can be combined together as needed. The reason for the long ones are that sometimes the best way to access plugs are through the wheel well with the car jacked up slightly. Also nice for plugs in the back so that you aren%26#039;t crawling onto the car to reach them.)
- flashlight
- mirror on an pivotable extension shaft (they make them just for automotive type of work. Get a decent sized mirror of 2%26quot;x4%26quot; or so to make it easy to use.)
- plug gap gauge (usually around $1-$2 at an auto parts store)
- can of compressed air (to blow dirt out around the base of the plug before removing it (find at most computer stores around $2-$4)
- plug wire puller may help for those tight spots
Sometimes it is necessary to move or remove engine parts (i.e. alternator, PS pump, A/C compressor, etc..) to gain access to certain plugs. A good set of metric and SAE combination wrenches and 3/8%26quot; drive sockets can come in handy.
Hope that helps. Best of luck.|||quality sockets with a nice fitting rubber, preferablly with an extension built in so as not to drop or pulloff...and a way to clean the area around the plug before removing.. allways hand start the new plug (after a gap check) with a low torque devise like an old plugwire boot or length of fueline hose.. if it doesn%26#039;t FEEL right going in it may be crossthreaded...and always wait for the engine to cool... best is overnight before removing plugs from allow heads..|||the basic tools are a socket, extension, ratchet, and a spark plug gap gauge....don%26#039;t take for granted that the plugs will come pre-set. you may also want a wire puller...just so you don%26#039;t mess your spark pug wires up. i know it sounds easy to change plugs in your car, but there is much more to it than you of luck
Changing spark plugs in a 2000 dodge stratus?
Is it difficult to change the spark plugs in a stratus? I was under the impression that because of the way the engine sits in the car that the plugs are hard to get to. Is this correct or not? My hubby is good with cars but has never worked on a dodge before.
Is there any website that I can use to help or at least find out where the plugs are at?
Thanks in advance for the help.|||Could you give us the engine size PLEASE. I have a 4 cylinder Stratus in the drive way and the plugs are pretty obvious, but that might not be the case with the 6 cylinder.|||that car should be pretty easy. its always a good idea to get a repair manual to help you along.|||go to they will show you how to remove and replace spark plug vary helpful site.
Is there any website that I can use to help or at least find out where the plugs are at?
Thanks in advance for the help.|||Could you give us the engine size PLEASE. I have a 4 cylinder Stratus in the drive way and the plugs are pretty obvious, but that might not be the case with the 6 cylinder.|||that car should be pretty easy. its always a good idea to get a repair manual to help you along.|||go to they will show you how to remove and replace spark plug vary helpful site.
Changing Spark Plugs in a Toyota Matrix?
I do most work on my 2004 Toyota Matrix XR (oil, air filter, coolant, tire rotation, transmission fluid, etc.) and will need to change my spark plugs soon. Is there anything special I need to know about changing the plugs in a Matrix? Most cars I%26#039;ve worked on have been pretty straightforward, but I want to be sure before I do anything.|||nothing special just make sure engine is cold and don%26#039;t over tighten and make sure to use a good japan plug like denso or ngk
iridium tip|||I would imagine that the motor is pretty straight forward. And the sparkplugs pull out just like many of the other Toyota%26#039;s|||I always change them when the engine is cold.Aluminum heads strip real easy. I would use Autolite Plati. plugs. the other plugs like bosch or Iridium plugs use a fine wire for the electrode.The spark is to small. I had gotten worse gas mileage with them. Autolites I run them 90,000 before changing.|||Check with the manufacturer on the plugs. My Honda took NGK plugs, as most Toyotas do as well. I would look into it, because it does have an affect on how the car performas.
Spark plugs are fairly straight forward, if you hav a torque wrench it makes it easier. But you can follow one rule, tighten with the rachet until it stops, then give it one more quarter turn and your good. Also get yourself a Gapping tool. Looks like a coin with different sizes on each side. Under the hood where the engine sticker is, it will tell you the gap for the plugs. Plugs do not come pre-gapped. Also get a small packet of Anti-seize to put on the threads, it helps go in smoother and come out easier.|||Straight forward replacement. Make sure you use a light coating of anti seize on the threads. Also use Denso SK16R11 for the standard car if you have the XRS model use SK20R11.|||I%26#039;d make sure you have a long extension on your ratchet for reaching down inside DOHC engines. I would recommend using a torque wrench. Spark plugs will be changed frequently over the life of the vehicle, and you don%26#039;t want to be messing up the threads in your cylinder head (torque should be about 20 ft lbs). Nearly all Japanese cars use NGK or Denso sparkplugs. NGK does also sell pre-gapped plugs as well. A proper feeler gauge is more accurate that those disk style ones if you%26#039;re doing your own gapping. Get some dielectric gel and put some on the inside of the sparkplug boot to keep it from sticking to the plug, and to reduce the chance of corrosion on the terminals. When you take your old plugs out, have a look at the color too. Here%26#039;s a chart of different sparkplug conditions:鈥?/a>
iridium tip|||I would imagine that the motor is pretty straight forward. And the sparkplugs pull out just like many of the other Toyota%26#039;s|||I always change them when the engine is cold.Aluminum heads strip real easy. I would use Autolite Plati. plugs. the other plugs like bosch or Iridium plugs use a fine wire for the electrode.The spark is to small. I had gotten worse gas mileage with them. Autolites I run them 90,000 before changing.|||Check with the manufacturer on the plugs. My Honda took NGK plugs, as most Toyotas do as well. I would look into it, because it does have an affect on how the car performas.
Spark plugs are fairly straight forward, if you hav a torque wrench it makes it easier. But you can follow one rule, tighten with the rachet until it stops, then give it one more quarter turn and your good. Also get yourself a Gapping tool. Looks like a coin with different sizes on each side. Under the hood where the engine sticker is, it will tell you the gap for the plugs. Plugs do not come pre-gapped. Also get a small packet of Anti-seize to put on the threads, it helps go in smoother and come out easier.|||Straight forward replacement. Make sure you use a light coating of anti seize on the threads. Also use Denso SK16R11 for the standard car if you have the XRS model use SK20R11.|||I%26#039;d make sure you have a long extension on your ratchet for reaching down inside DOHC engines. I would recommend using a torque wrench. Spark plugs will be changed frequently over the life of the vehicle, and you don%26#039;t want to be messing up the threads in your cylinder head (torque should be about 20 ft lbs). Nearly all Japanese cars use NGK or Denso sparkplugs. NGK does also sell pre-gapped plugs as well. A proper feeler gauge is more accurate that those disk style ones if you%26#039;re doing your own gapping. Get some dielectric gel and put some on the inside of the sparkplug boot to keep it from sticking to the plug, and to reduce the chance of corrosion on the terminals. When you take your old plugs out, have a look at the color too. Here%26#039;s a chart of different sparkplug conditions:鈥?/a>
Would changing spark plugs help with my car?
When I come to a stop my vehicle idles from 600-800 RPM. The tach goes up and down but when I%26#039;m driving it%26#039;s constant. The spark plugs haven%26#039;t been changed the last 70k miles. thanks!|||how old is your car and what is the mileage? also what type of car are we talking about?|||It ain%26#039;t gonna hurt! But you may find that your idle still %26quot;hunts%26quot; up %26amp; down. You never mentioned what kind of car you have- but check your fuel filter.|||yes it would|||if it is an fuel injected car it needs the injecters and stuff cleaned that would help. the spark plugs would help too they want hurt.|||Might not help, but certainly won%26#039;t hurt anything. Really need more info to answer accurately.|||This problem sounds like a throttle position sensor problem.|||YES!!! When i bought my 2005 Dodge Neon, the dealer told me i wouldn%26#039;t need to change my plugs for 100,000 miles. Well, he lied. After recently thumbing thru my owners manual, i got to the service section and it recommended replacing the plugs at 30,000 miles,.....Ouch!! My car now has 68,000 miles on it. I replaced them last week with Bosch Platinum plugs. Bosch advertises %26quot;up to 20% increase in performance and fuel mileage.%26quot; I haven%26#039;t noticed much fuel mpg increase, but the acceloration is definitly much quicker, especially in 2nd and 3rd gear. I also changed the air filter and the car gets up to 75mph quick. I turned my pussycat into a little tiger with just a few good quality plugs. Good Luck!!|||It certainly won%26#039;t hurt. Give it a try to see if it fixes the erratic idle.
Changing spark plugs on a 99 Cad Catera?
I need help understanding how to change the spark plugs on a 99 Cad Catera. Just lifting the hood is no help. It appears the wires and plugs are covered up somehow. Please assist if you can. I want to avoid taking it to a dealership if I can.|||The spark plugs are located under the upper plenum on this vehicle. When you open the hood there is a large plastic cover to be removed, the upper plenum is an aluminum item typically attached by 10 to 12 bolts. Once the plenum is removed you will have access to the spark plugs. The spark plugs are platinum and expensive. It is typical to only have to replace them after 100,000 miles. If you have less you may be able to have the Fuel(induction)system service that will remove the carbon build up. Not to sound degrading but I would leave it to a professional mechanic on this ride.|||Rh side:Relieve the fuel system pressure.Disconnect the fuel supply and return hoses from the intake manifold.Move heater hoses. Unplug electrical connection @ coil pack.Remove the coil pack retainer bolts. Remove Coil pack. Note: Gm uses a special tool in order to avoid damaging the coil pack. You can fabricate a similar device.Lh side more straight forward.|||You have to take the plastic cover off the engine.May also have to remove the upper intake plenum to reach some of them.Car is not very popular so I%26#039;m not sure if it is coil over plug or not.Hopefully a GM expert will chime in.|||look and see if you can pull the front tire and the lowwer part of the inner fender then you should be able to get to the spark plugs the is what i do to my truck 2003 frod you can bye the replacsement pins to put the inner fender back on cheap
Why won't my truck start after changing spark plugs?
Have checked spark plug gap. Ran fine before changing the plugs.||| if you wiress aren%26#039;t cross you got the right plugs and set the correct gap and you wont tell us make an model then let me ask did you crank the engine with plug wiress disconnected cause if you did then the dist. is toast|||hmmm you probably got the spark plug wires mixed up
if you get a crank no start then thats probably the problem cuz you cant mess up a car that fast
just search your make and model on google images and look for a pic of the engine and see how the wires are lined up|||it%26#039;s because you accidentally disconnected something when you were doing it. does it crank? or crank no start? come on, need more info.|||you probably did not plug the cables in the right places in the correct sequence
|||spark plug wires not seated properly?|||did you gap the plugs to the right gap measurements?|||Double check the wires like the others said. Change your air filter.
if you get a crank no start then thats probably the problem cuz you cant mess up a car that fast
just search your make and model on google images and look for a pic of the engine and see how the wires are lined up|||it%26#039;s because you accidentally disconnected something when you were doing it. does it crank? or crank no start? come on, need more info.|||you probably did not plug the cables in the right places in the correct sequence
|||spark plug wires not seated properly?|||did you gap the plugs to the right gap measurements?|||Double check the wires like the others said. Change your air filter.
Anyone has tips on changing spark plugs on an 88 trans am?
Does anyone has any good tips for changing the spark plugs on a 1987 trans am gta with a 350 tpi engine. there is no room and i need a little help.|||The easiest way I have found is to crawl under the car and change the back plugs from underneath. It is a huge pain but it is one of the joys of the cars. Just change all the plugs that you can get to from the top and the ones that you just can not reach change from the bottom.
Also no you can not change them through the inner fenders there are no holes to get to the plugs it will not work.|||if you cant get to it from up top try getting to it from the fenderwells|||Haven%26#039;t done that one but once owned a %26#039;63 Poncho that you had to either jack up the right side and remove the front wheel or remove the AC compressor to replace the first two plugs. There%26#039;s always a way, although it might require a bit of access work. Have you tried a universal joint on the socket yet?|||jack it up pull front tires get to them threw the wheel wells
Also no you can not change them through the inner fenders there are no holes to get to the plugs it will not work.|||if you cant get to it from up top try getting to it from the fenderwells|||Haven%26#039;t done that one but once owned a %26#039;63 Poncho that you had to either jack up the right side and remove the front wheel or remove the AC compressor to replace the first two plugs. There%26#039;s always a way, although it might require a bit of access work. Have you tried a universal joint on the socket yet?|||jack it up pull front tires get to them threw the wheel wells
How important is a tune up or changing spark plugs?
I know changing oil is very important , but my $$ is very tight and my car hit 69,000 miles and I have 2005 PT Cruiser where I have changed the 2 spark plugs that are easy to reach but not the 2 underneath. Can I do damage by not replacing them or just suffer poor gas mileage and performance? Thanks|||Many vehicles can go over 100,000 miles before the plugs need to be replaced. It won%26#039;t damage the vehicle to have worn plugs. How did the ones you remove look? If the plug starts to misfire, you will get a check engine light. Spend your money on the things that are really important and can cause damage if neglected. Oil you%26#039;ve been doing, that is important and the other two important items would be your transmission fluid if it%26#039;s and auto and the timing belts if you have one. Neither of these may be due yet. Check your owner%26#039;s manual for service intervals.|||its not going to hurt your car if you wait to change them granted you may down the road have a break down related to them not being changed but it will be fine|||to start out, the platinum plugs that should have been in there form the beginning, do not have to be changed till about 100,000 miles. replacing only two will not have any ill effects on the engines life span, its not so great on the fuel economy, bu that is about it,|||Bad spark plugs can results in a lot of problem;
1. poor starting
2. idle rough
3. poor gas mileage
4. car wont run smoothly
Hope this help!
1. poor starting
2. idle rough
3. poor gas mileage
4. car wont run smoothly
Hope this help!
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