Friday, June 3, 2011
Will changing your spark plugs after 95000 miles make a noticeable difference in performance?
I have a 2001 nissan sentra se 2.0.L. I was wondering if changing my spark plugs would really make a noticeable diffrence in speed/acceleration, or if its all just a scam.|||WHERE YOU WILL PROBABLE SEE THE MOST DIFFERENCE IS BETTER GAS MILEAGE----DON%26#039;T USE CHEAP PLUGS -----PUT IN BOSCH +4 PLATINUM ---IT WILL RUN BETTER AND GET BETTER GAS MILEAGE|||I would say yes. I replace mine every 30,000 miles. Why not, they are cheap enough to replace and easy enough especially on your car. if you plan on keeping your car, replace things Fuel filter, air filter, oil every 3k with synthetic, it will last a lot longer. If you plan on not keepin your car and just plan on getting rid of it in a few years, then just dont change anything.|||Probably not if it%26#039;s still running smoothly. A plug either fires or it doesn%26#039;t. In theory an old plug has a wider gap than it should, which makes it a little bit late, but it%26#039;s hard to observe any difference.||| makes a difference in performance cars but in your car probably not. It%26#039;s not a scam...even if it was are you going to argue over 10 bucks in parts that make your car run smoother?|||Yeah, you would only notice diffrence if the old plugs were faulty or dirty and corroded, otherwise it will be the same experience. But never the less always check the plugs..