I don%26#039;t have the repair manual for a Ford Taurus 1996 V6 3.0 litres,so i don%26#039;t know the firing order,i am not replacing the distributor cap,only the plugs.is the firing order very important when changing the plugs?
Thanks in advance.|||If you take out one plug, replace it and put the wire back on, then do the next one, until they%26#039;re all changed, one by one, you cannot mix them up. If you have two wires loose at the same time, there%26#039;s a chance you might mix them up- only 50% chance. If you take them all off, then there%26#039;s a great chance some will be on wrong unless you label them, and you would do well to know the firing order to doublecheck your work to make sure they%26#039;re labeled right. The bottom line is, if you do them one at a time, you don%26#039;t have to know the firing order.
When you get ready to change the distributor cap, remember, one wire at a time. If you xerox the page from Chiltons Auto Repair showing the firing order diagram, that is good insurance for you, just in case.
They used to put the firing order on the intake manifold of engines. I haven%26#039;t looked for years, though.|||No it%26#039;s not important as long as you do one plug at a time.|||ok bud it is your bible, no other way to say how important that is, ill post it later, are you sure its got a distributor?im gonna look in my book, just as soon as i finish dinner and banana split, and maybe a beer.|||One at a time, no need to know firing order.|||If you get them out of order then gas will build up in one piston when the plug doesn%26#039;t fire and then it will backfire very badly, even shooting flames up your carburetor and damaging your engine. Do what everyone else said and change one plug at a time.|||it can be criticle if you dont go one by one. you will find the firing order for this engine is somewhere on the engine usually on the intake manifold though just incase. as I recall you have a coil pack on the top of the engine and I believe each coil pack matched up to the spark plud they fired example the front left pack was to the front left plug, middle to middle plug etc. ps be sure to put some antiseize of the threads of the spark plug you are installing as they tend to gall in the threded part of the cylinder without this your next time may be the end of betsy the taurus.|||Suggest to do one at a time, then no need to know firing order