After changing one of the spark plugs in my %26#039;92 mazda mx-3 I went to put the plug wire on, but it wouldnt go.
What happened was the rubber part from inside of the spark plug socket had come out and is stuck on the plug inside the motor.
I have tried forcing the socket on to the end of the plug to get the rubber piece to stick in the socket, but it won%26#039;t work.
How can I get the rubber piece out of there??|||you should be able to put the socket back on and try turning to different positions untl it goes on. It will take a little force. Then you can screw the plug out. Or you can try long long nose pliers.|||see if you can cut it off, if not, burn it off|||buy a new wire and replace it. motorcycle wires are repairable so go to a motorcycle dealer with the wire from your car and ask them to sell you a single wire or a kit to build one the right length. pretty easy fix.|||You can put the socket back on spark plug and screw the spark plug back out of the engine, remove the socket form the plug and then the rubber bushen, or use a pair of needle nose pliars to pull the rubber off with the spark plug still in the engine.|||rotate the engine to where the piston is high and then get the rubber out with wire.