Friday, June 3, 2011
What is the degree of difficulty for changing spark plugs for '00 Maxima?
Also, when should it be done mileage wise?|||mileage is 100,000 and you should use the NGK Laser Platinum plugs. The degree of difficulty will depend on your skill, but the front 3 are easy. The rear three plugs usually need to have the intake plenum taken off to get to them unless you have the correct tools to do the job. After taking off the plenum everything is much easier.|||Labor time is 1.4 hours (what you would pay at a shop) - If you have any experience then it really is not difficult. 105,000 is the recommended mileage, however I do not suggest you wait that long try to change at least at 95,000 miles. Use the following spark plug - they are not cheap but the best plugs out there; NGK Spark Plug Iridium IX (BKR 5 EIX 11, part #). Good Luck.