I have a 1993 G20 Conversion Van and wanted to know the easiest way to change my plugs. I%26#039;ve swapped them out in cars before but never my van. As of right now I%26#039;m still running off the original ones with 96,000 miles. Is the best way to take of the hump (doghouse) from inside the van and access them through there? Any help would be appreciated.
Also, when putting the new ones in should I go for the AC Delco Rapidfire plugs? Will this give me anymore power or better mileage?|||you have to take the dog house off, as you cant get to them from the fender well ( tried it, it don%26#039;t work )
this one is easy and its not hard to get the dog house off one clip on each side of the dog house and two bolts at the bottom just below the storage box on the dog house, after that its one of the easiest ones to change plugs and wires, cap and rotor there is to do.
as for the rapid-fire plugs, i cant say anything bad about ac delco plugs as they are some of the best out there, but there are plugs that are just as good at half the cost, just use a good plug, and as long as you stay away from champion spark plugs you%26#039;ll be OK, as they no longer mark what ones are made here in the USA or the ones made in japan, and the ones from japan are junk...|||i think the easist way is to jack the front end up and go thru the fenderwell|||had many g rides and the best way is from the doghouse with a swivel head ratchet and you may want a 1 inch extension on some. to reinstall use a piece of fuel line pushed onto the top of the plug to get it started. stay with ac delco and you might want to go platinum|||I owned a 1990 Chev C20 van conversion and I found it easier to remove the inside engine cover, that way you have easy access to the plugs, wires and distributor. Also you can listen to the stereo while doing the work.