even if the electrode still has the specified gap, but is rounded at its end|||Casey C:
It sounds like there are a lot of miles on your plugs, but that doesn%26#039;t mean that they are toast. If they are in a modern (96 and up) vehicle, they are probably platinum and good for 50,000 miles. Google your model and find the specs. Change the plugs at the proper interval or when you notice a drop off in performance or mileage.|||Your owner%26#039;s manual will tell you.
It%26#039;s been 12 years since I%26#039;ve changed the plugs on my truck. The truck still passes emissions tests. Why pay $150 for a tune up that doesn%26#039;t improve mileage, performance, etc.
I%26#039;ll just drive my truck into the ground because it%26#039;s 16 yrs old and has no trade-in or resale value.|||Depends on you engine, but with a GM V6 about every 50,000 klm or 30,000 miles..