I complained about the fuel consumtion of my car and my dealer offered to change the spark plugs of my car for free because it might help improve fuel consumption. They said they will be using a %26quot;special%26quot; spark plug for my car.|||if it is a dealer, let them. you may have the wrong plugs in their to begin with. modern vehicles are EXTREMELY sensitive to the quality of parts you install.
ASE master tech certified|||no tune ups help save on gas some how.|||no its not true, spark plugs just assist starting the car, all the same spark, all the same gas flow....it was bullshit, especially with a fuel injected car, there would not be a difference....perhaps if you spark plugs were bad and you were having trouble starting your car, than you may use more gas tryin to get it to turn over a few times...peace|||Other things that will help you save gas:
Don%26#039;t pedal to the metal, it will help with gas consumption.
Don%26#039;t carry too much weight in your car, unload what you don%26#039;t need.
Keep the air pressure in your tires to what it needs, low tires equal poor gas consumption.
Keep tabs on your oil changes.|||Only if they%26#039;re not all sparking efficiently.|||Believe it or not the dealer knows best. Having the right plugs counts alot. One thing you must remember, in today%26#039;s car market its hard to make a gross when selling a car (as a Dealer) so car makers have invested heavily in making sure that you use them for your repairs. That%26#039;s why you now see special spark plug for your car. (that%26#039;s what they want you to believe). Dealers are finely priced competitively. So repairs and general maintenance is costing us loss. And you will get a serve in the mail from the maker asking how service was. This is bonus money for them and a operatiy for you to tell the true about the dealer. Trust me the car maker listens.