i just changed 2 bad plugs and i dont want to change any more than i have to seeing as this van is a pain in the a** to work on. would it be okay or should i go and change the other 8 plugs?
Thanks|||Some plugs are harder to reach than others, but change them all. I also advise changing the coil boots as they frequently go bad about the same time as the plugs. Only change one at a time, and make sure to blow all the dirt and rocks out of the hole or they will end up in the cylinder when you remove the plug, and any rocks in the hole will get wedged beside the plug when you try to push the socket on the plug. tighten 7 to 14 ft. lb. and gap is .054 in.
And be happy that it ain%26#039;t a 460.|||if 2 are bad the others are also|||I%26#039;d quit while I was ahead if the van runs ok now. Wait and see if you have a problem, and then have them changed if necessary. The plugs should last at least 100,000 miles normally and probably longer if they%26#039;re platinum tipped long life plugs. However, if you have an ignition misfire, I would change as many spark plug wires as I could. I%26#039;m afraid if you try to get to the hard to change plugs you may damage the plug wires in the process or cross thread a plug for example.|||how did you know that those two were the bad ones? change them all if one is bad they all are going bad Change your distruber cap while you are at it. just do not get the wires out of order|||You never change just the %26quot;bad plugs%26quot;... that%26#039;s like changing one bad tire.
Get the right tools... a %26quot;universal%26quot; adapter will allow you to unscrew the plug at an angle. Does this van have inside access?|||REMOVE THE DOG HOUSE AND THE PLUGS ARE RIGHT THERE,THEY ARE NOT HARD ITS JUST THE REMOVAL OF THE HOUSE THATS DIFFICULT.|||You have a V-10?