I have an old fiesta 1996, done about 68,000 miles - bit of a rusty engine but still running okay even if a little loud! Just wondering if I changed the spark plugs would it give me a bit of a smoother engine or not really make much difference?
Thanks in advance!|||you would be better off giving a full engine service,filters,plugs,oil.|||If you buy straight replacements, same as originals, you will get a smoother engine. Old plugs will have worn electrodes and carbon deposits, so will not spark with as much energy and don%26#039;t burn as much fuel. New plugs will have more energy and better fuel consumption.
If you buy better replacements, look for Triple Platinum or Iridium Power at Halfords, you will get even smoother engine because they get better fuel efficiency and burn more fuel. You spend more, say 拢30 for set, but you save maybe 拢300 in fuel in a year.
Even better you can boost this even more by getting the coil replaced. better coil (around 拢40) gives more energy, so burns fuel more efficiently and saves maybe 拢400 a year with new plugs too!
Hope this helps!|||well it wont do any harm i would sugest full service spark plugs, air, oil, and fuel filter adjust the tappet clearance- this is will help with engine noise and a fuel treament through the petrol redex or forte. if you are doing this yourself a haynes manual(which you can borrrow from your local library) and a set of feeler gauges will come in handy|||If one or more of the plugs is worn and breaking down, then yes it will make a difference. You can still have a bad wire, causing a %26quot;miss%26quot; also. A general tune up, with a fresh air filter, fuel filter goes a long way towards making the car run better....68,000 miles, heck it%26#039;s just broke in lol.|||Some body suggested iridium plugs, no way, not for your engine. Waste of money, mind you, I%26#039;ve got them, but I run an engine that revs to 7,000 rpm!
If the plugs are in good condition, then of course changing will make no difference.|||Full tune up, cap, rotor, plugs and wires would be a good idea, plus the filters and oil. The plugs themselves might help a lot, might barely help, depends on their condition and the condition of the other parts|||if its an ohv engine you want your tappets set...its a simple job and you%26#039;d be amassed how much quieter the engine will be....and ide still change the plugs as it wont hurt it..|||Yes put in new Plugs PLUS PLUS put on new H T cables. It is very likely the plug %26amp; coil cables are well past their best.
Thought about a new timing belt too???
Tappets??|||No, sparks are only there to start the engine. So it will not make the engine run smoother, only the ignition.