I%26#039;m trying to change my spark plugs on my 99%26#039; Jetta. The end connected to the spark plug has a long metal shaft around the spark plug and I have to believe extended out past it. I%26#039;ve tried just pulling the spark plug wire but it will not budge and is starting to tear around these two connected points(wire and Metal shaft). I don%26#039;t want to break the wire... The shaft does twist but I want to make sure I know what it is. Is it part of the wire and needs to screw off, or do I just need to pull harder on it? Someone please help!|||i work on v-dubs all the time. the metal portion is a part of the wire assy. use pliers on the metal portion and pull off of plug. be careful|||the plug wire just pops over the end of a sparkplug. it sounds like yours are heavily corroded. try and get them off the best you can. then put new plugs in and get a new set of wires. the wires should be around 20 to 30 dollars if you get them from someplace like autozone. next time put some sparkplug lubricant on them and it will help out a lot|||Sounds like you are pulling by the wire, not the rubber end that encapsulates the actual connector.. If you pull by this, you shouldn%26#039;t see any separation from the cable itself. You might also try twisting the connector 180 degrees in both directions to loosen the connection.|||The metal part is an extender so that you can get the wire to the plug, and also so that the plug wire doesn%26#039;t get damaged. If you can, take a prybar with a thin edge and gently pry the end of the metal shaft off of the spark plug. It will probably have a metal lock ring around it to keep it on that you have to pop loose.
If you can%26#039;t get to the bottom of the shaft, then try rocking it gently back and forth until it pops off. If you are worried about damage and aren%26#039;t sure that you are doing it right, see a mechanic. I have found that the mechanics at VW garages are more helpful than others. You may even call the service line at your local dealership. They may have a trick that would help you out.|||thats a heat shield.my olds has them.what i do is take a long pair of channel lock pliers and pop them off.