i believe mine were changed at 50,000 miles. but only the plugs were changed.. im currently at 100,000 miles and the car runs like a dream, no problems at all.. will changing the spark plugs and wires be a good idea? and will i notice any difference with power, or mpg??
i already have intake in the car so im tryin to get a cleaner burn|||Make, model and year of car?|||Sticking with the maintenance schedule is never a bad idea. If you are having no problems changing the plugs can help to continue that trend. You may not notice any substainal difference in performance but for the relatively low cost of the service it is a good idea.|||Keep a set of wires and plugs in tour car at all times. You never know when you might need them..A small get you home toolkit helps too.
Dr Antony|||The original plug wires should last for the lifetime of the car. It is foolish to waste money on them, if they are not arcing or severely damaged from oil or heat rot. New plugs can improve things, but only if you are using an %26quot;updated%26quot; technology plug, like an Iridium or iridium + titanium plug. It does more for a car to have your IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVE clean, and your throttle body and plate and PCV hose and valve, too. These are the things that throw the fuel mixture off balance and cause expensive problems, like cat failure or exhaust leaks. Save the money for wires. Also, de-sludge the engine and use ONLY synthetic oil. It saves gas and prolongs engine life as it does NOT make harmful sludge. It cleans as you drive!