I see that the fuel injection heads are in very close proximity to the spark plugs and was wondering if I can get some advice or a link stating in detail how to go about accomplishing the task. Now I am assuming that the Fuel Injectors get removed. Any advise on the process for replacing the spark plugs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks In Advance. Ben-|||The actual process itself is not very difficult to describe. It is can be a very challenging task for someone who is inexperienced, due to the tight confines of this particular application. You DO NOT need to remove the fuel injectors to start with. The ONLY thing you need to remove are the eight COPs (Coil-On-Plugs) to gain access to the spark plugs. To do this, simply disconnect all eight COPs by disconnecting each electrical connector by simply squeezing and pulling gently on the connector to each COP. Next, get your 1/4%26quot; drive ratchet and short extension with either a 7mm or 9/32%26quot; socket and remove the one bolt that secures each COP to the intake manifold. Remove each COP by simply twisting and pulling it out of each spark plug hole, GENTLY. You may want to inspect each COP rubber boot and replace as necessary. Be careful of the one under the fuel rail connection to the fuel supply line. Once this is achieved, simply remove all eight spark plugs using a suitably sized extension and spark plug socket. The four that are on the passenger side may be a little more difficult to access due to the heater hoses being in the way, especially if this vehicle is equipped with rear heat and A/C. Just be careful. One final note. USE ONLY Ford/Motorcraft spark plugs. Aftermarket plugs seem to be known to cause issues on these vehicles. Hope this helps.|||No problem at all. You%26#039;re Very Welcome.
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|||I do not believe the fuel rail has to come off if this is like f 2004 f 250 i did today the coil on plug design requires a 7 mm socket and about 3 hours of frustration. a set of locking extensions and a plug socket with a swivel attached also very reccomendable for the job. good luck oh and i had the luxury of a topside creeper.