Whenever changing spark plugs, i always have a dillema getting the spark plug socket off the spark plug because of the rubber boot inside. Anybody have any tips that could help keep this from happening?|||That rubber boot is good for installing spark plugs in hard to reach/deep areas. (sometimes) I%26#039;ve had sockets stuck on the plug I%26#039;ve just installed, leaving me with just an extension and ratchet.
You can use a regular deep-well socket easier. I get a piece of papertowel (always seems to be near-by), and snug it up against the sparkplug (nut, bolt etc.) and the socket. It pops off easier, and the paper doesn%26#039;t interfere with anything. You can pick it out with a pick if you want.
You can get a socket fairly cheaply at a pawn shop if you don%26#039;t have a complete set of tools.|||You could try a little dielectric grease on them before placing then back on the plugs.|||put a piece of vacuum line on the top end of the plug stick it in the hole, and spin the plug in hand tight by turning the vacuum line. finish tightening with your socket, rubber removed|||rub a little oil onto the boot it whould stop it from sticking|||i have 2 sockets, 1 with the rubber to take them out, 1 with out to install them. if u cant get them in the hole with your hand, use a piece of vacum tubing 12%26quot; long, put the sparkplug in the tube and then put it in the hole and turn clockwise to start your plug. after it has started to thread pull off the tube a go after it with your rubber free socket. gooodluck|||Okay, everybody talks about putting something in the boot, but, one thing I would NOT suggest is oil, cause that can cause that rubber to break down, just like oil on a condom..|||The best soulition i ever found was remove the rubber and cut the hole a little bigger that way its looser and the rubber is still there to serve its purpose.....|||all answers are good.