I am hopeless with car stuff but would love to know why my car won%26#039;t start after changing the plugs (correct plugs) and leads (installed correctly)? There were oil leaks surronding the plugs. Someone please help!!|||Don%26#039;t take all the spark plugs off at once! The firing order will be messed up for sure!
The oil around the plugs usually just means that someone tightened the bolts too much on the valve cover and bent it, (the long flat metal cover with rounded corners that sits atop the engine, over the plugs), so that it is leaking oil down onto the plugs. It%26#039;s hard to straighten, may have to buy a new one (%26quot;Automobile--Parts--New%26quot; in the yellow pages) or one from a junk engine at the junk yard (%26quot;Automobiles-Parts--Used and rebuilt%26quot; in the yellow pages.) Shouldn%26#039;t interfere with the firing of the plugs, unless you touched the tip of the plug into the oil when you installed the plugs.|||Coil side of the centre lead is plugged into both the distributor and the coil? Did you replace the distributor cap? If so did you replace the rotor? Make sure the rotor is indeed in there.
When you say %26quot;won%26#039;t start%26quot; does it turn over and nothing happens or does it turn over but won%26#039;t fire?|||Go back and make sure the firing order is correct....|||Clean/remove all oil material from the area. Then verify that each lead is connected correctly from end-to-end.Verify that the electrical contacts have 100% electrical continuity. If there is an electrical discontinuity (check with volt meter end to end of each wire), remove the harness and return it to the store you purchased it for a free replacement. Be sure to take your receipt to the store. Install the harness correctly, verify your battery has appropriate power and start the car. If the car still won%26#039;t start, you either have a dead battery or a dead starter. If this is the case, replace the defective component. Make sure your fuel filter has also been changed. Remember not to flood the engine/carburator with fuel since the car will not start when it is flooded. Good luck.|||Dont ditch the car just yet.
Ensure the plugs and wires were installed correctly. If they%26#039;re not in the correct order running form the distributer, then it%26#039;s not going to start. Also make sure the plugs are in snug but not too tight and that the plug wires are on firm and correctly until a click is heard.
Also check the distributer for cracks and such.
The oil around the plugs typically just means you need a new valve cover gasket.
If that doesnt help your battery may be dead, or your starter, or alternator depending on what kind of sound you hear when trying to crank up.
What sound do you hear when trying to crank up?|||If you only changed the plugs and wires and the plugs are the right ones, then you mixed up the firing order (wire order) even if you think you didn%26#039;t. Recheck the order, this is the ONLY thing it can be.|||i agree firing order. since that was the last repair done prior to a no start. 16yrs ASE cert. retired|||Maybe you have knocked the power wire off the coil, or distributor.