Friday, June 3, 2011
What is the importance of changing the spark plugs on your 2000 Honda Accord at 100k miles?
I%26#039;m at 96k now and need a timing belt and spark plugs. A broken timing belt will ruin your car, so I%26#039;m doing that ASAP but for money%26#039;s sake, how important is having the spark plugs replaced? Can it wait till the scheduled time?|||I would go ahead and do it, you will get more power and gas mileage and your car will run smoother. The manufactures rating on this maintenance is a bit long in my opinion. Also a broken timing belt in most cars will not hurt anything it will just require your car to be towed. I am unaware if you engine is a inference type or not. If not then yo do not have to worry about not changing the belt destroying your engine.|||heehee - it can wait but dont leave it forever, renewing them will help the engine running smoothly|||The sooner you replace your spark plugs, the better. Sometimes, they can be very difficult to remove from the cylinder heads, and the new ones should have antisieze compound on the threads to make them easy to remove. I would stick with the original replacement manufacturer and part number for the new plugs, unless Honda specifies an updated replacement. If you have an %26quot;interference%26quot; type engine in which the pistons can damage the valves when the timing belt breaks or slips, getting the timing belt replaced is your first priority. It%26#039;s a $500 job at a Honda dealer. Check to see if you should replace your water pump and serpentine belt tensioner at the same time to save on future repair costs.