thats what they told me and i wonna change it my self but i never did it before|||Seems high but carefull if you don%26#039;t have a mechanical apptitue and you cross thread the spark plug holes you%26#039;ll end up paying more than 350$
Also unless you are going to do the work your self, a shop rarely if ever stands behind work done when the parts arn%26#039;t provided by the shop, so if you have a problem your on your own.
Just a thought, but the process is rather simple.
Edit - Unless your driving a 3.5 L chrystler, or a 4.6/5.4 L expidition. Some vehicles are quite expnsive to tune up and require the removal of intake manifolds, fuel rails or are in difficult places to reach. What are you driving, and what engine is it?|||Find another shop you are getting ripped
Invest in a Haynes manual it gives you step by step instructions It%26#039;s a easy job Good Luck|||350 is too high for labor only.if want to do it yourself go to your local parts store and pick up a repair manual for your car and do the job yourself and save a lot of bucks.and they can help with the correct parts for your car..|||Depends on the type of car. If you%26#039;ve got a 1993-2002 Camaro with a V8 then that is very reasonable. It takes an expert four-five hours and you can spend all weekend doing it yourself.|||I would say you might want to look elsewhere.As far as doing it yourself, be sure you feel confident that you can do it. If you can read and really understand what the repair manual actually says. As fa as tools are concerned you can pick up a decent little kit pretty much anywhere tools are sold. Good luck.